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I hate when they do that lmao

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How the hell did that even happen?

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Your horse just basically said "I'm tired of your bald headed hoe bullshit." \ud83d\ude02

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"I told you what I would do if you made me stop for any more damn pictures!"

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"I just can't take this outlaw horsey life anymore! I'm ending it! Goodbye, cruel world!"

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I believe the expression is, \u201cAt a loss for words\u201d

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There's something called a fast mount. If you run while trying to mount a horse, the horse will run with you as you mount it. Guy couldn't mount up and he was still running so the horse also did.

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How do you trigger this?

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You uhh... you run towards the horse while mounting... like the last guy said.

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I see\u2026 and how would one perform this action ?

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So uhh... you just uhh.. run? And uhhh.... mount

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Interesting and how exactly do you do that

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Okay good.

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