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Named him Havlar Den Sorte (Havlar The Black) definitely my favorite horse behind the Arabian.\n", "selftext_html": "

I LOVE the raven shire. Named him Havlar Den Sorte (Havlar The Black) definitely my favorite horse behind the Arabian.

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I fell in love with the Silver Dapple Pinto once I learned how to get it during the Arcadia for Amateurs III with Albert Mason. I got four of the five Arabians (Chestnut,White,Warped Brindle and Rose Grey Bay) but never could figure out what I was doing wrong to not trigger that even in Saint Denis to get the Black Arabian.

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west side of lake isabella and you normally find it near a cluster of trees.

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Crap, I forgot to get the silver dapple when I did his mission just a couple hours ago, is there any other way to get it? Also, does bonding level affect their bravery? I just emptied 12 rounds into a bear and my black shire never left my side, but the arabian I just found ran away asap

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Thanks dutch, already found it about 20 min after i posted this

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Not without going back to that earlier save you would have to wait till you finish the main story. (dunno if you have beaten the game yet so i'm trying not to spoil anything) but the game will allow you to finish or get anything you missed at the very end.

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Nah im on chapter 3 so thanks for not spoiling, are there any other exclusive horses I can find?

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There's the Warped Brindle that's just outside of the Wapiti Tribe Area. The Red Chestnut is still off on the east end and north of strawberry. You likely already know where the white Arabian is but the Rose Grey Bay is a post main story horse you can buy.

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Thanks, I do know where the arabian is. Took me like 20 minutes but I finally tamed it. Should I use the arabian or the black shire?? Sorry if it\u2019s a bother

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The Arabian is faster but people also sort of claim the shire is the better horse and is the type of horses that pull all of the wagons and carts you can get in the game.


Though the Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox-Trotter and the Tiger Striped Mustang are the best horses bar none. I could smoke Dutch in a race easily as well as anyone who challenged me

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