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I killed the Pig Farm's husband-brother, but didn't get the sister-wife. I know I kinda ruined experiencing the side story already, my previous save was so far back so I'm good off trying to bring them back and start over. But has anyone done this and had luck at finding the wife? She was walking super non-chalantly down the stairs so I didn't think she even knew I killed dear ol' brother/lover, but she stabbed me in the face and I died lol.


I guess I want my revenge, but is she just gone now?\nCan't find either of them day or night now.

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Pretty sure if you kill one and not the other and either die or run away the surviving one just despawns from the world.

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No revenge today, thank you for confirming my suspicion \ud83e\udd18

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Yeah, just do what I do, back to an old save before you encountered them and exact your revenge on them...as many times as you need lol.

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My last save was pretty long ago and I've done some cool things since. I'll just get em' on my second go around. Or do the right moves to help John out later idk, they definitely deserve to be fed to alligators haha

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