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100%ed the game 2 years ago, 300 hours, did everything went everywhere, bought the T-shirt. In my memory, this is the best game of all time, nothing else comes close (all the usual cliches, you get the idea).


I'm getting a bit itchy to get back into it once I finish my current run of CP2077, but I suppose I'm worried it won't live up to how I remember it the second time around.


anybody that's done more than one play through, is it still as good after the first time?

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It\u2019s way better the second time.


You can strategize what you want to finish and when, without going back to repeat the same things, and catch more foreshadowings.

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Similar to the first time but less surprising.

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I'm on my 3rd playthrough now.


First playthrough I freeballed it, no guides, no cheats, no mods, just played as the story took me.


2nd playthrough I 100%'d the game with the help of some guides and the interactive map.


This playthrough, I am playing with some basic mods to allow me to get into New Austin/Blackwater as Arthur without those invisible snipers, and completing as many of the challenges as I can before I have to go to the Downes Ranch/free Micah from Strawberry. By the time I get to chapter 3, I'll be the most OP Arthur around, but still with TB.

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Wouldn't call it "better". On the one hand, you do know to pay more attention to the story, what pace to go at. To purposefully go out on long trips to find cool encounters or Easter eggs. But at the same time, you lose the massive impact of the story's events which you really only get from playing it the first time. So you win some, you lose some.

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