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(I sadly can't find any photos that will work)

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No lol

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No lol red dead revolver takes place in the 1880s when red\u2019s about in his 20\u2019s he wouldn\u2019t be that old looking in 1899

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Believe what you wanna believe, personally i love to believe to these theories since they make the game more mysterious but i dont think its real lol

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No, the dates don't work out nor their documented backgrounds, their physique doesn't fit and their personalities are a far cry from each other.


Revolver didn't take place in the Redemption universe as has been confirmed and John was basically Harlow 2.0, they practically took Harlow's model and edited it... possibly why it is the case with the separate worlds and to avoid plot overlap.


R* did seem to drop a few Easter eggs in RDR2 pointing towards Harlow with Uncle's claim of the reference and the campfire story that we can listen to while free-roaming. It is therefore likely that he is a legend of folklore in the Redemption realm or at least there is a story similar to Reds.
\nUncle talks a lot of hot air and he probably picked up on the alias through just that, folklore.
\nI believe it's more of a joke from the devs by planting the idea that one of the games most unlikely and less serious characters could be their original gunslinger.

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Well it is possible cuz they have the same scar on there noses and Uncle does say "I used to be the one shot kid" so it's possible?

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Ok yea that is fair but I still kinda refuse

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If this was meant to be a thing I would think rockstar would slip in some sort of reference about the scorpion burn on his hand.

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