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"Come to a fully nude arthur" interesting word choice \ud83d\ude0f

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May want to not use Whyems right now, it fucks up the games spawning system for a lot of people.\u00a0



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Mr Morgan put some clothes on says Miss Grimshaw\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06

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Leather didn't used to be one of my bi kinks.


Thanks for that.

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Take those boots off son

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How long is it?

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I HATE YOU\ud83d\udde3\ufe0f\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udc80

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god tier comment

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Dicks like cow udders, longing to be wrung


Eighteen naked cowboys, each ten inches hung

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There\u2019s no gooch or balls

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Hey I was just shocked, not complaining tho

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finally someone talks about it, tho i've been in the forum for a while and they are making fixes so it doesn't happen, i think the current solution is to change the format of the texture fix but the ideal thing would be to compress the texture files

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Ah, I understand. I don't use it rn or plan to use it anytime in the future either but thanks !

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Arthur and leather is a good combination.

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Doesn\u2019t exist.

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I\u2019m sorry

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This is the most disappointing thing I've ever heard/j

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Pretty obscure fact, Trevor (GTAV), John, and Arthur all share the same UV for their nude lower models, so technically Arthur and John could have that part of them restored as the vertices for it are still present, just flattened lol.

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I heard from a reliable source that they modeled a big ol dick for Orthur, but they had to give him Ken parts. To scale, it was ten inches

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Should be illegal.

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Really wish they split the mod into multiple parts. I just dont care about any WhyEms additions except the hair.

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No, you're not.

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So your telling me Jack could\u2019ve been born by Trevor or Arthur?

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And it kept clipping through the pants so you\u2019d be sitting there and his dick would just fall through his pants\u00a0

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So it's cannon he's packing? I knew it.

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