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If you walk up to the corpse the head falls off too \ud83e\udd23

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2 is serious. 1 is dark and fucked up.

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I personally think RDR 1 has more wacky and fucked up moments than RDR 2, I always believed RDR 2 is more serious in general.


Both's great however.

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It\u2019s crazy you think you\u2019re gonna be playing a cowboy western game and then you get all these super fucked up things taking place all over. The cannibal stranger, the delirious old lady waiting for her husband to return that\u2019s been dead for years, the mission with Marshall Lee where you open the barn and see someone hung from the rafters. Really set a different tone

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"You don't look a day over 30, ma'am." - John Marston, 1911

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Seth domesticated a zombie lol

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I wouldn\u2019t describe RDR2 as being a particularly dark game. There\u2019s tragedy in some ways, but the tone of the game retains a bit of hope and optimism to me.


Especially when compared to RDR1, that game is filled with pessimism, cynicism, and nihilistic philosophy all the way to the very end of the game. The satirical style and dark comedy was also a good balance to such a bleak and unforgiving take on the Wild West. Big reason I love it. It didn\u2019t pull any punches.

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You haven't been up to Rathskeller Fork yet?

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RDR1 is arguably more fucked up

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i was so mad when i found out this was the wife i spent all that time looking for the flowers for \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44

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This game has so much time, love, and thought invested into it that even after all these years there are things in it I never seen

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That guy who f*cks dead body is even worse. That Mexico revolutionist is on par with this guy. RDR1 has random crazy stuff all over the place, maybe their writers wanted to apply dark humor in some scenes but it was terrifying for a normal gamer. I killed this guy btw after mission, don't thank me for doing God's work

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it\u2019s crazy looking at this picture when i can distinctly remember when this game came out i thought this was literally as realistic as graphics could get.

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As soon as he said he was picking flowers for his wife I knew what was coming.

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bro there's this mission where you save a prostitute from a man by buying her freedom, the ending is sad

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I always thought that RDR1 was darker than RDR2. At certain points, the music would sound sinister in 1 and on occasions you would find people mourning the loss of loved ones only for them to turn their revolver on themselves.


I also think that RDR 1 is a bit more unnerving psychologically especially when riding around the forest at night.


Don't get me wrong, RDR2 is also creepy around the bayou and the night folks etc. but for me, RDR 1 overall seemed darker.

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Have you met Sid yet

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I put my shotgun to his head as soon as the cutscene was over. Wanted him to be with his wife. I was immediately chased by the law, it had to have been a setup lol

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They are waiting for the nice young lads selling chocolate. They say if you rub the chocolate into your skin, you will live forever.

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I love RDR but thanks to RDR2 for reducing Rockstar's humor.

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Rdr1 is wonky yet disturbing. Rdr2 is disturbing and serious, where even the wacky moments of rdr1 return, but feel far more mysterious and tense

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I\u2019m playing it again just for that.

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But also kinda wacky lol

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I remember being unable to think of a side mission that didn't have a downer fucked up ending after finishing them all in RDR1.


RDR 2 has some hope for a handful of side missions. Arthur teaching Charlotte the widow how to survive was one.

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Not to mention a strange man in a top hat who knows a suspiciously a lot about you

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God yeah. Same for 2. I will never get over wandering around as a newbie in Online and finding the serial killer's basement. I was not prepared for stuff like that to be in my cowboy game.

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Wait, i always thought that woman was a ghost.

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I shooted cannibal in leg and freed the other dude. No way,not on my watch.

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*multiple zombies

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man I wish there was an undead nightmare part 2

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i should have merked that guy who was in love with his horse after giving it back \ud83e\udd22

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Man, i would have blown that guy's head if i knew wtf will happen

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Doesn\u2019t she get graped and killed though?

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That's still one of my favorite side storylines in any game to this day.

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The only thing that bothered me about that was, why did nobody ever remove that one half leg from the first clue (story mode), it\u2019s right next to the road. No wild animal there wanted it as a snack? No decomposition, even many in-game months later, it\u2019s still there. After a while it just cracked me up whenever I came by that place.

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I know right. Like the only \u201creason\u201d I see is that it wouldn\u2019t be canon for a non canon ending \ud83e\udd37

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I don't remember that, can you explain me that whole mission?

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You have to, to survive, everyone knows that. Ain't your fault

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What kind of low honour playthrough were you on????

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No. Thats actually something that happens in an rdr1 side mission

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That\u2019s only what happens when you don\u2019t help her

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you find a guy who is asking for his "love" back, you go to a place where a woman has a horse, john assumes the woman is the guy's love, she's like 'bruh that's the horse's name', then you bring the horse back to the guy and he starts getting a lil intimate with the horse and the mission ends. and then you should blow up his head because what the fuck


stranger mission: who are you to judge

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No man, it was funny. Dark but still funny for me. I remembered that mission now as well. Man but that dead body as wife was too much for me and blown is head out when he was safe inside his cabin. Liked that meeting with planet Earth line though. Sometimes I think Rockstar writers must've been real f*cked up people to even come up with these dark jokes

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