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Yes get off this sub and come back after you\u2019re done with the game.


Play it in your own style

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My go-to advice for new players:


If you care about spoilers then get off the sub right away, if not then it\u2019s all good.


Having said that, don\u2019t believe the people who say a certain white horse is the best and must to get. It\u2019s not, don\u2019t waste your time on it. Those people get mad at me for saying this.


Collect the free lancaster repeater and bolt action rifle early, and try to craft the LotE satchel as early as possible (Legendary Buck trinket helps a lot). Don\u2019t use repeaters for hunting. Get the Shark Tooth trinket, faster bonding with your horse is always an advantage. Keep at least three outfits in your saddlebag for three different weather conditions. Don\u2019t forget to eat regularly. Change the button prompt for fishing to \u201cHold to Reel\u201d. Make regular manual saves, use the multiple save slots. If you\u2019re not a native English speaker (like me) then turn on the subtitles speaker name. You can turn it off when you\u2019ve known who\u2019s who.


Explore the world, interact with the white dots appearing on the hud. Don\u2019t be hesitant. If you don\u2019t like the outcome of a particular interaction then just reload a previous save.


Avoid MrBossFTW and Nestan videos like the plague.


Most importantly, don\u2019t rush the story. Enjoy the ride!

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Don\u2019t come back on this sub till the end of the game.

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Don\u2019t sell hosea\u2019s black shire

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Enjoy the fuckin\u2019 game lmao

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Play the damn game

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Fucking enjoy dawg. If you like single player story this is the magnum opus of video games imo

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dont do always the main missions. explore the world, explore the secondary missions, explore all

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When you hit third camp stop doing missions and enjoy the game at its peak

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take it slow, mute this sub, play when u have more time so you can completely get rid of rushing, experience the game instead of playing it, go everywhere and try everything. its a game of "oh shit you can do this?!"

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Change the setting for fishing to "Hold to reel in" in options/settings.

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Have fun, enjoy every moment.

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Make sure you drip Arthur out and do the optional missions

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Start killing little animals and saving perfect pelts and feathers.

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Enjoy this one because it\u2019s the best chapter in the game in my opinion

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Get off this sub, and don\u2019t watch any videos, enjoy and explore for the first time by yourself. And take your time

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Go to Blackwater, you can get the money if you get to it before you get killed. It is stored just south of the town in the little patch of trees. It will disappear after chapter 2 though with evidence of someone stealing it. If you get there before you die, you can get up to 20k but it averages at 15k for me in most of my playthroughs.

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Learn to take a screen shot in 2024. I\u2019m so sick of this.

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The first time I recommend enjoying the game as naturally as possible without spoilers. You will certainly play it more than once.

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after completing chapter 1 go asap to rhodes, find saloon and go upstairs play blackjack

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Follow the God Damn Plan!


Haven't reach far enough to give advice but carriages are the best way to make money eithout getting bounty.

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Punch the prostitute. You don\u2019t want to know what she will do to you if she punches you first.

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Try to keep the woman at bay

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Just enjoy

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Don\u2019t watch spoiler

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Take your time, play slow

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Take it slow, and really immerse yourself.

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Do yourself a favor and zoom in on those horse nuts and tell me what you see

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Throw yourself into the broth

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Yeah, ignore the Internet and just play..

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Don't accept rides if you have a bad feeling in your gut, this goes with real life, And also visit the racist guy in saint denis

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Use R1

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A good tip in my opinion is to take your time. There's so much side content out there so treat this game as something immersive not just doing story mission after story mission. That's how this game became one of my fav of all time.

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Don\u2019t rush it, take your time, go wild, don\u2019t always follow markers. Stay away from this sub until you roll credits. Just trust me on this one

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Yes, Use R1 para reduzir velocidade do se\u2026.

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Double tap L1 to do a spin trick as you put your handgun away.

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Stay off any RDR2 social media and enjoy the game for what is, a master piece. When you finish the main story, then you can go online and look up stuff.

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  1. Quando terminar o pr\u00f3logo do jogo, volte \u00e0 regi\u00e3o Noroeste, pr\u00f3xima ao Lago Isabella, para pegar o Puro Sangue \u00c1rabe.
  2. \n
  3. Quando estiver pelos acampamentos, converse com os membros da gangue para realizar algumas miss\u00f5es extras.
  4. \n
  5. Fa\u00e7a o quanto antes o upgrade das bolsas do Arthur para que voc\u00ea consiga carregar bastante itens.
  6. \n
  7. Explore bastante o mundo, pois h\u00e1 muita coisa legal a ser descoberta.
  8. \n
  9. Primeiro fa\u00e7a todas as miss\u00f5es secund\u00e1rias, somente ap\u00f3s isso siga pela hist\u00f3ria.
  10. \n

Prepare-se para o melhor jogo.

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eat a lot, more weight you gain less damage you will take

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Follow Dutch\u2019s plan, to the tee

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Gun go boom and bear r scary.

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Don't be in a hurry to finish, do some side quests and help the NPCs who need help, and last but not least, Arthur is a good person, so be good at the game.

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The same thing we told the thousands others who posted the same thing;


Play the fucking game

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Just play and have some god damn faith in the plan Arthur !

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-Take your time\n-play the story until you go hunting with Hosea before you start doing side quests \nGet the Legendary Buck talisman ASAP \n-If you're ambushed don't try to fight where you are, run for cover before you start shooting. \n-Get the maxed out satchel \n-When you get to horseshoe overlook (the first real camp) go just north near the river you'll find a burned out remains of a town, check under the desk in the sheriff's office, you're welcome. \n-Don't forget to eat, sleep, bathe, and keep your horse clean and fed.\n-stock up on tissues.

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Just enjoy the game, explore and dont look for spoilers.

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Stay off the internet

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Keep playing.

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Just have fun. This is one of those games that doesn't require you to do homework to play.

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Take your time, play it your own way and have fun out there it's an absolutely awesome game and experience.

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take your time& avoid spoilers at all costs.

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Use R1 para diminuir a velocidade do seu cavalo.

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S\u00f3 joga mano, vai aprendendo as mec\u00e2nicas e esses mini tutoriais q o jogo te passa, tipo o do saque j\u00e1 em dead eye que ali\u00e1s eu s\u00f3 sabia q existia no final do jogo. n\u00e3o rusha a hist\u00f3ria e procura explorar as coisas

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Say good bye to the next few months of your life, and enjoy the game! \ud83d\ude02

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Trust your gut, cowpoke.

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Take your time, have fun.

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Take your time to master the controls and the cores. There\u2019s more than one way to do everything, so experiment as much as you can. You don\u2019t always have to do what the game tells you to which is the fun part.

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Just play the game as slow as you can. Don\u2019t try to rush the story. Everything can wait. AND TRY ALL THE COSTUME!!!! ARTHUR MORGAN IS SO CUTE IN SOME COSTUMES \ud83e\udd0f\ud83e\udd7a. With the horse and gun, go with whatever suit your play style and aesthetic. Some horse can be better than the other, but at the end of the day, you would spend time looking at the scenery anyway. With gun, I\u2019m a very non gamer so I can\u2019t comment on it but unless it\u2019s a completely different type of gun (like pistols vs shotgun, etc.), I feel like two of the same types are pretty much the same tbh. The devs really put a lot of work to create such a great world so try to enjoy the world rather than the content cuz the linearity of the story really make me feel like it\u2019s not enough \ud83e\udd79.

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Brasileiro n\u00e9 safado kkkkkk

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Feed the horse time to time

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Close Reddit and enjoy it.

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I recommend you to avoid social media until you finish this game and please take care of your horse.

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Take your time, don\u2019t rush to finish. The side quest are fantastic. Enjoy the greatest game ever made.

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Immerse. That is all

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Avoid this subreddit until you beat the main story.

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Only tip. Take your time, taste the expierience and bear with it a lil bit. It can get a little slow and (imo from my first playtheough) boring at times. But it's part of the charm. And I guarantee you it will be worthit.

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Have some faith to dutch \ud83e\udee1\ud83e\udd23

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Be patient and enjoy yourself \ud83d\ude03

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Ride slow, feed your horse and avoid this sub. Have fun, partner.

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Yeah stay off any Red Dead themed subs and stay away from Red Dead themed YouTube videos to avoid spoilers. I got a major spoiler like 2 days after the game came out cause some dickweed put it right in the title of the video and it was a random recommendation. Granted I still loved the game. Just would have rather found out about that spoiler by just playing thegame

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Here's a tip, stop asking for tips and play the damn game....

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Play. The. Game.


Why do people always come to this sub immediately

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my only tip would be to buy the RDR2 interactive map for $5 if you want the full experience.

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If you're going to do all the challenges and extra stuff to get to 100%, try to do as much as possible early on. You can do MOST in chapter 2 I believe.

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Wear a face mask

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Learn how to use the search function on reddit

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Play how you want, don\u2019t worry too much about honor. If you feel like helping folk, help em, if you feel like robbing and shooting, do it, if you don\u2019t wanna hunt don\u2019t feel obliged. This is a very well-made game that works for all different play styles. I just ask that you listen to the dialogue instead of playing music or podcasts over it like I did the first playthrough, I\u2019ve regretted it ever since

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Take your time and enjoy the game. And if you see people doing unethical stuff in the game...keep an eye on them and don't interfere. You'll be surprised at the detail.

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Craft the camp stuff first-specifically satchels.


When you kill people, if they have a weapon you don\u2019t have, even if it\u2019s \u201cworn,\u201d grab it.


Loot the saddle bags-2 on live horses, 1 on deceased

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Enjoy it

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Do not watch those youtube videos and and get off this sub. Just play through slowly checking out all those side missions.

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Close the sub

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Start on rdr1

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Don\u2019t rush through it, Enjoy the landscape, Enjoy the birds, Hunt, Do side quests, Just ride around for a bit;Peacefully.\nAnd last but not least, Get off of this subreddit and anything else RDR/2 related.\nHave fun.

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Stay off this sub till you finish it, for one.\u00a0


For two, don't skip cutscenes. Stay in the moment and enjoy the story.\u00a0

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When you get to Valentine go to the doctor and then immediately go to a train station and got to Riggs station and start robbing folks

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Don't look for spoilers on purpose. Just enjoy every second of it.

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don't be a fish

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Don't cuz you'll cry

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Hope it helps <3

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Don't look stuff up online and just play the game.

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Wear a mask

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Don't play online

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Looks like you should use R1 to reduce speed

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The first thing you do is join this sub? Are you fucking serious?

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Take your time and enjoy it!

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Just enjoy the game. Help people to get extra benefits and treasure maps

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No just play the game

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Ah man you\u2019re gonna have a great time!


Come back when you\u2019re finished \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c

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Take your time, don\u2019t ride your horse fast, take in the beauty, help people, do side missions, and if you find a dude inviting you to his home in the swamps near saint denis kill him.

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Don't expect to play another game for a very long time.


It's a fantastic game -- literally among the best I've ever played (and am still playing having not completed it following 130 hours) -- but is long.

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Don't read shit in this sub. Return here after your story is complete.

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  1. Don\u2019t spoil it for yourself.

  2. \n
  3. Be as honourable as possible in the game (you\u2019ll thank me later)

  4. \n
  5. Keep whatever you find

  6. \n
  7. Try exploring the map a little to be familiar with it

  8. \n
  9. Enjoy the game at your own pace.

  10. \n
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Dont google anything about the game or you will get spoilers

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Take your time. Enjoy it. Don\u2019t be in a hurry. Let the horse walk. Listen to the world. Have fun it\u2019s the best game ever

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Take your time and enjoy the game. Enjoy your time as Arthur. Soak in all the little details.

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Enjoy the ride bro.


Best ride ever.

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Try not to cry

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Look for tips and tricks on YouTube. You\u2019ll get the best tips for the game there.

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Refrain from looking at any social media about the game as much as possible. Play the way you like best. I really hope you enjoy this game as much as the rest of us have.

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  1. Keep your weapons and horses clean.
  2. \n
  3. Train robberies and selling stagecoaches are good ways to make money once you unlock them.
  4. \n
  5. Create an outfit for every kind of weather (warm, normal and cold) and put them in your saddle so you can switch them depending on your needs.
  6. \n
  7. Legendary gunslingers weapons and other unique weapons can be missed if you don\u2019t grab them.
  8. \n
  9. Arabian horses have the best speed and acceleration but get spooked too easily which makes races like Missouri Fox Trotter and Turcoman more reliable options with minimum performance differences and better cores in some cases.
  10. \n
  11. Take your time to explore as much as you can, the game has a lot to offer and you won\u2019t stop discovering new stuff.
  12. \n
  13. Avoid content that is related to the game on social media, you could get story spoilers.
  14. \n
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KILL MICAH \ud83d\udc00\ud83e\udd20

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High honor, that's it, other than that play the game your way and get off this subreddit

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avoid hunting squirrels it\u2019s the biggest pain and waste of time other than that ur chilling just play the game

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just dont rush it, embrace the slowness

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Don't get emotionally attached to anybody, especially Arthur.

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well there's some, but there's a high chance you won't encounter them during your first playthrough, nothing too graphic thou

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Play the game

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Dont look up ANYTHING rdr related online.




Spoilers fucking everywhere.


You look up how to find a herb and you get spoiled for the end of the game (not joking)

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Enjoy it. Take it easy.

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Learn to use dead eye \nI finished whole game without it and feels like playing game on hardest level \nIt took 10 tries in one mission without dead eye

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Are you a completionist? If not, then just follow the main story and avoid guides. This game is relatively easy to finish, there's no need for them.


Now, if you are a completionist:

  • Get the buck trinket ASAP;
  • \n
  • Look around the net for checklists of pelts for Pearson and for the Trapper, starting doing them early;
  • \n
  • Get the Legend of the East satchel ASAP;
  • \n
  • Look around for RDR2 interactive maps, there a few online, to keep track of dinossaur bones, rock carvings and treasures;
  • \n
  • Start doing challenges early, replay story missions as much as necessary;
  • \n
  • Keep small carcasses (small birds, rats, bats, squirrels, etc); they don't rot in your satchel and you'll need them for a mission;
  • \n
  • Talk to the folk at camp often!
  • \n

If you need more guidance, let me know.

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Take your time and explore the world. So much to see and do. Don't rush it.

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Just play the game.

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Artor dies if he gets shot

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Kill the Legendary Rat and Snake, thats Micah and Dutch.

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Don\u2019t let anyone spoiler you

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just leave this subreddit and scroll off any reel you see on rdr2 because there's some big spoilers

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Follow duch\u2019s plan \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb

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GET OFF THE INTERNET! For the time being that is... Play it your way and don't use fast travel. The game is more beautiful if you play it slowly...

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Stay on this sub, it\u2019s really helpful.

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Figure it out yourself.

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Explore everything

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Yo I just started today as well

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Kill everything you see , spare no soul . Even the women and children . They gotta go .

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Vi que seu jogo est\u00e1 em portugu\u00eas, ent\u00e3o n\u00e3o vou me esfor\u00e7ar pra escrever em ingl\u00eas\u2026rs\nCurta! Essa \u00e9 a dica.\nO jogo \u00e9 lindo, a ambienta\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 perfeita, e a hist\u00f3ria \u00e9 maravilhosa. Jogue de boa, ou\u00e7a os di\u00e1logos, explore o mapa, aprecie a paisagem e a vida selvagem, viaje, cace, pesque, acampe por a\u00ed. Passe um tempo no acampamento da gangue, tem di\u00e1logos e cenas \u00f3timas.\nSe quiser depois mais dicas sobre onde conseguir boas armas de gra\u00e7a, ou bons cavalos\u2026\u00e9 s\u00f3 dar um toque. \nBoa jornada!

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Buy a pacemaker

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guys this is satire... right?

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Use R1 para reduzir a velocidade do se

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There are a ton of tips , can't explain

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Get the White arabian horse day 1 of campaign 2, it will be your best companion until end game.

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Don\u2019t let any of the npc\u2019s cough on you!

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Damn straight. This game does not require tips.

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Exactly, play through the main story at least once blind then come here and look through spoilers for a 2nd playthrough to get 100% if you want.

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This. Sick back and enjoy, you're in for a ride!!

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The white Arabian horse is the most overrated little pony in the game

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How often is eating regularly? Like 3 meals a day type of thing?

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Nooo how dare you insult my White Belle \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83e\udd15\ud83e\udd15\ud83e\udd27\ud83e\udd27

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And glitch Hosea's rifle, easyer to get Lotw satchel in chapter 2

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Such facts. 2 of my friends have tik tok brain and say it\u2019s way too slow. My only critique of the entire game is why can\u2019t we fucking sprint through camp lmqo

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Thanks bro

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Oh but I do this irl and it\u2019s a problem

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Ive only been able to grab it a couple times! The snipers are always so hard to dodge but it\u2019s absolutely worth it

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No, its a tv.


He doesn't have a capture card and it definelty isn't a smart one.

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Please let\u2019s not ruin the experience for those who haven\u2019t played the story.

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For hunting moose it does lol

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Fr. Idk why anybody would want to ride a little horse around everywhere

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Mine threw me off a cliff after being startled by a snake. Give me a horse that's not easily spooked and I'm happy. It also got ran over by a train and the horse I stole to get to the next station to pick up my saddle was a better horse than her.

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True, I\u2019ve never used it permanently, the best horse is whatever you want it to be it\u2019s your Own game! :)

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Eating once a day suffices, if you do it properly.

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Lmaooooooooooo bro I ride my horse as far in that bih as I can so aggy

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Doesn\u2019t PlayStation have the Share button and USB ports?


But yeah who honestly gives a shit about screenshots for something as trivial as this.


They\u2019re only annoying when someone\u2019s asking for help with, like, a setting or puzzle and produce the most parksinons-addled photo of all time & you can\u2019t see Jack shit to help them out.

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Mate.. you know consoles take screenshots too since previous generation?

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then how is he playing rdr2 lmao

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Wym? Don\u2019t really hunt

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Everyone says it's the best when statistically and gameplay, it is not. It's good but not the best. It is a good all around horse, there is no denying that, it just gets the title "best" when it does not really deserve it. For some reason, This truth is very controversial, especially on this sub. For example, the white Arabian horse is not even as good as the black Arabian horse (the stats on the game expressly show this) yet people will claim the white one is better.


Now here come the downvotes.

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It's very skittish, with relatively low health. And a lot of people don't like that it's physically small.


That and there's not a lot of day light between the horse with the fastest stats and anything else. Once you max out horse bonding and stick good saddles and stirrups on there, most of the horses are just about as fast. And more than fast to do any amount "horse be fast" you might need.


It's a good horse you can get fairly early for free. It's just not the only one, no the be all end all.

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I do the same lmao \u201cARTHUR GET THAT HORSE OUTTA HERE\u201d

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Never seen a tv spontaneiusly combust into Read Redemption 2, a game made by the subsidiary of Take Two Interative,Rockstar.

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i dont care about horses stats at all. i used this big black motherfucker from the beginning, i didnt sell him and kept till the end

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Soo which one is the best?

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Well, it's the best Arabian, for sure. (If you liked white-coated horses).

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Yeaaahh yeeaaaaahh alright

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You're talking about the horse, right? RIGHT?!?! /s

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Yeah, using it 'til the end' is so poetic, though...

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It\u2019s not, there are better Arabians.

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HA! now when ive reread it im not so sure anymore lmao

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Lol! I kept the same boy right to the bitter end as well.

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he was aggressive one from what ive seen playing game, he loved to ram enemies instead of avoiding, or my mind made that up but i rly saw the difference. fucker was stepping on snakes instead panicking. idk if im making this up but i felt like he was ready to charge enemies more than other horses. i didnt tested it that much but i tried other horses and always kept coming back to this one.

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