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I\u2019ve always been a solo player in RDR2 Online. Sure, I\u2019d get posse invites, but I never accepted them. I enjoyed the peace of playing alone\u2014it was my way to unwind after work and recharge.\nOne day, though, this kid kept spamming me with invites. Over and over. I finally caved and joined. Turns out, this kid also invited some random guy into the posse. Funny enough, the kid bailed shortly after, but the other guy stuck around. We played for a bit, and he invited me to a party.\nWe hit it off immediately. Not long after, he introduced me to his friend and his 13-year-old son. They played together every evening after work, and I didn\u2019t hesitate to join.\nFast forward, and now I\u2019ve got a group of people I play with daily. We do our roles, complete challenges, and just help each other out. Even when we\u2019re not doing anything specific\u2014just riding around or messing around\u2014it\u2019s always a blast.\nIt\u2019s crazy to think how this random game brought these people into my life. I used to love playing solo, but now? I get bored without them. Funny how things change

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That\u2019s awesome.

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