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Ludonarrative dissonance aside if you have already robbed a ton of times in Saint Denis already, this line felt a bit odd. Arthur says this to Dutch in the mission Horsemen, Apocalypses. Did the gang never rob in a city before? Arthur mentions to Charlotte Balfour that he has been to Chicago and he implies that he did robberies there I believe.

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It's stated by the Bureau that the gang robbed 39 banks across the frontier. And gang robbed Valentine and Saint Denis banks in the story too with us witnessing the Valentine robbery before this false statement. So it has to be a joke. I don't think it's a funny joke and it didn't land like all of his others. So that's why it's taken so seriously. No way writers would have Arthur claim he never robbed a city when robbing city banks is a occasional hobby WE SEE the gang do.


Edit: Idk why I'm yapping reading is important, I think Arthur means he's never robbed in a city before as in, he has never robbed in just a industrialized and modern place like this, filled with roads, heavy police forces, stuff like that. Arthur does say this while planning the Saint Denis bank heist with Dutch if I recall.

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If he was telling the truth about that, then that was indeed a mistake by the writers

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