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I went on a killing spree in valentine, but as i was getting lower and lower on ammo i went on my horse. It was all good until anther batch of lawmen came and my horse was getting low. My horse then collapsed but right before i died I decided to give a horse reviver to her, so she wouldnt be dead when i respawned. Cool little thing that happened basically

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You were this close to trying out better horses.

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Oh, I love it when you talk so condescendingly to Arabian users. You really make us feel so inferior with your high-horse rhetoric.



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Nice of you to follow me around like a puppy.


Always fun to see you guys malding.

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Lol, you're one to talk given how triggered you are whenever someone mentions riding it by preference.


Why are you always so angry about it?

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No need for projection lmao \ud83e\udd23


You follow me around in multiple posts, you frantically downvoting my comments, whereas I wanted to strike a conversation with OP here, you leave angry \u201csarcasm\u201d as reply and I\u2019m the one who\u2019s triggered? \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23

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Still not looking in the mirror? I could already tell from the other users replying back to your comments. You've been angry at people using Arabians in RDR2 for YEARS. What a hate-filled obsession!\ud83d\ude02

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Yes, keep going, let the nonsense flow through you \ud83e\udd23


Like I said, always fun to see you guys ugly crying everywhere. Always the same few people with days old accounts lol.

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This is a sad exchange and you\u2019re both just awful.

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At least I can say I didn\u2019t start anything. Gotta respond to these stalkers.

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