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Throughout the game, we see Dutch\u2019s transformation into the man John described in the first Red Dead Redemption. But at the start of RDR2, Dutch is an incredibly charismatic and respected leader.\n\nI think it would be fascinating to explore Dutch\u2019s origin story\u2014how he became an outlaw and started walking the path we see later. Imagine a game where we play as his mentor, a strong and respected gang leader (someone like Arthur) who takes in a 13-year-old, recently orphaned Dutch Van Der Linde and gives him a new family\u2014a family that promises to never leave him alone again.\n\nYou\u2019d spend the majority of the game molding Dutch into the man we see at the start of RDR2. The gameplay could involve teaching him skills like hunting, breaking horses, using Deadeye\u2014essentially making Dutch\u2019s learning process part of the narrative. And how amazing would it be to see a young Hosea show up, watching the bond between the two of them grow as they rise through the outlaw world together?\n\nI think it would also be cool if we didn\u2019t get to play as Dutch until the epilogue, where he\u2019s in his mid-to late 20s, just beginning to lead the Van Der Linde gang and carving out his own legacy.\n\nWhat do you think? Would you want to see Dutch\u2019s story told this way?", "selftext_html": "

We all know Dutch Van Der Linde as the mentor and father figure to most of his gang (probably not Charles, though) in Red Dead Redemption 2. Throughout the game, we see Dutch\u2019s transformation into the man John described in the first Red Dead Redemption. But at the start of RDR2, Dutch is an incredibly charismatic and respected leader.


I think it would be fascinating to explore Dutch\u2019s origin story\u2014how he became an outlaw and started walking the path we see later. Imagine a game where we play as his mentor, a strong and respected gang leader (someone like Arthur) who takes in a 13-year-old, recently orphaned Dutch Van Der Linde and gives him a new family\u2014a family that promises to never leave him alone again.


You\u2019d spend the majority of the game molding Dutch into the man we see at the start of RDR2. The gameplay could involve teaching him skills like hunting, breaking horses, using Deadeye\u2014essentially making Dutch\u2019s learning process part of the narrative. And how amazing would it be to see a young Hosea show up, watching the bond between the two of them grow as they rise through the outlaw world together?


I think it would also be cool if we didn\u2019t get to play as Dutch until the epilogue, where he\u2019s in his mid-to late 20s, just beginning to lead the Van Der Linde gang and carving out his own legacy.


What do you think? Would you want to see Dutch\u2019s story told this way?

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To answer your first question: I'd play the shit out of any RDR3. I also think I speak for 99,99% on here that they would also play the shit out of any RDR3.

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I like it but how would this fit as a redemption themed story?

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Why does that picture look like the Office Meme?

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I don\u2019t think there\u2019s a lot to explore about dutch that the other 2 games didn\u2019t already

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I'd play a game as Sadie, picking up where we left off in the epilogue. We follow her bounty hunting days only to find out she's been betrayed by one of her deputies, and Edgar Ross was behind it. We then journey with her throughout the Wild West, extending to Mexico, where she could meet an old friend. Somehow, we are then taken to Little Marston's timeline right after he kills Ross, and we chronicle his journey to tie up all loose ends to finish completing his book about the van der Lined gang and the west

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Nope. I'd like another RDR game, but most certainly not with a young Dutch. Hosea? Sure? Jack? Sadie? Charles? Absolutely. But no, I wouldn't want to play as Dutch.

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I\u2019d play anything by rockstar

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The only RDR3 story I want is following Landon Rickets up to the event of the black water massacre (which is canon that he was there in town at the time) that is the RDR3 story we deserve

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Yeah - it would have be in 1911 so we\u2019d be able to be there for Dutch\u2019s death. But his death wasnt a redemption and those last years of his life definitely weren\u2019t. Also who would we play as after?

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I\u2019d love to see a storyline exploring Dutch\u2019s mentor and their redemption arc. It could delve into Dutch\u2019s upbringing and his mentor\u2019s journey from being an outlaw to trying to \u2018right his wrongs.\u2019 As a proper mentor, he could share lessons through stories\u2014playable flashbacks where we get to rob trains and engage in classic outlaw activities. Over time, he explains where he went wrong, starting as someone who stole from innocent people but later targeting only other criminals. His eventual death could serve as a pivotal moment, leading us into the epilogue where we play as Dutch, shaped by those teachings.

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Yes! I think this should\u2019ve been DLC years ago! Everyone can agree that Sadie is a badass and I would love to play as her, but only as an expansion of RDR2.

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This game proposal has you play as Dutch\u2019s mentor and or other\u2019s from the gang.

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Ahhh I see


Damm this actually sounds amazing in theory icl

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Dutch didn't originally have a gang. His mentor was Hosea. He didn't have a gang before the Van Der Linde gang, they formed it together after they took in Arthur.

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