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Why did she freak out and ran away when i untied her? Feels like i lost 20$. Not the first time happening too. Making npcs happy feels like taking care of some delicate exotic plant, they get mad at you for seemingly no reason

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$20 is nothing in this game. Money is pretty meaningless in general.

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Probably you hurt her while saving. I did the same, my horse went over a couple of hostages and I just lost honor.

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If you accidently point your gun at the NPC sometimes it will think you are threatening them. Probably what happened here.


Don't worry about the money or the honor though, both are easily acquired.

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Yeah I untied that lady and she screamed \u201cnot you too\u201d or something like that. Tf

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Easy way to farm honour is go fishing and throw them all back

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She was probably a sex worker

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Whoopsie! \ud83d\ude05

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20$ is a lot early on for me.right now


That's a lot of deluxe baths

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That's when you toss a stick dynamite and move on.

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People bathe in this game? I just sit in the middle of the river like a real man /s

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No way. Just think of your guns rusting away while swimming & wasting all that Gun Oil to clean them.

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Real men clean themselves with gun oil!

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