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Set the trash can's icon to micah's head, put it between them and you're set

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Dickbutt Redemption

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I really want RDR3 to be Hosea's story, but it certainly doesn't fit for either of them to be pointing their guns at him.

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The homeless guy that loves Arthur if you're in good karma.

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watch rdr2 be the guy pointing the gun point blank

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The guy that snitched the CEO's assassin ( i dont agree with murder in general, but apparently, 99% of the world are celebrating one.)

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That CEO?

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Leviticus Cornwall

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I guess the 3rd rdr could be on the middle person....well only if they decide to make one like a miracle lmao

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boondock saint guys, different timeline but would still be kind cool i guess

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Dutch and Micah obviously.

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Low hanging fruit is Micah.


The representation of both characters arcs would suggest Dutch and Micah together.


The big brain idea is to say Keynes and Ross

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me because if this god damned cold, just freaking do it! pull it! end my suffering.

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The Call of Juarez guy, since Red Dead executed that franchise.

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Jackass who decided to abandon rdo to focus on gta5 online, imagine the flying horses that shoot missiles we could have gotten

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A dog on a meat wagon

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The Suicide Squad game

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And probably play as the callander brothers.", "body_html": "

I dunno but I hope to go back a lil further, see how the gang was before dutch started to lose it, there's still an unanswered question of whether he was using everybody the whole time or whether a switch flicked. And probably play as the callander brothers.

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Imagine if rdr3 comes out and the protagonist is pointing the gun directly at us. That would complete the whole look

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A plan.

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Body in the trunk i guess

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Can we get a prequel to two, where we play as Micah????

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It should be Jack. And he should be dual wielding so he's in the center.

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Me. I\u2019d like to be in between Arthur and John lol

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You should put in there Jack

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And shepherds we shall be


For thee my lord for thee


Power hath descended forth from Thy hand


Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands


So we shall flow a river forth to Thee


And teeming with souls shall it ever be


In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti

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Seth and a Corpse kissing

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Micah being fucking ganged up on by John and Arthur

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MD fans that ship V x Thad, V x J, V x Lizzy, V x Uzi and V x Doll. They aren\u2019t compatible, so womp womp to their asses. V x N is a little more acceptable, but N x Uzi is better. Don\u2019t miss the shots, guys!

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Arthur and John confirmed as homophobic?!?!

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Hey whyd dutch cheat on daddy hosea \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21

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Slick as hell.

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Fuck yeah


Red Harlow is the easily the most badass protagonist of any Rockstar game

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Just bought a pc and it\u2019s the first game I downloaded. It runs at about 80 fps and it\u2019s amazing.

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Red Harlow already had a game.

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But facing away from the viewer.

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Dutch would probably hate him more than Cornwall

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You always were one for fancy words.

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Unexpected but welcome. I expect to see this there with that bald piece of shit forthwith

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wait that goes hard

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Didn\u2019t realize he got snitched on. Either way what a wild story

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I feel like nobody ever appreciates the slickness of it

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Shoot it

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nah if he is facing towards the viewer then john and Arthur are aiming at his back

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I do tend to find words of the higher degree to be quite intriguing

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Because he's a shitty person.

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I implore you to share your dictionary mister.

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I\u2019ve heard about you and your honeyed words

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Im just curious on why people personally hate him. I always ask if someone openly says they hate someone.


And yet, ive asked numerous people why they hate musk. And i always bar 1, get these dead end answers with nothing meaningful.


Its almost like, most of the haters just do it because its popular

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gay? as in homosexual?

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You got what you wished for

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What he said but twice cause I need the meme steeling one as well

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You implore me? I implores you!

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I usually use the Oxford English Dictionary and the Urban Dictionary to comprehend the latest slurs and slangs.

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Don't ask how I know.", "body_html": "

Wikipedia doesn't even have some of the top-level ones. Don't ask how I know.

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That's a fine way of convincing other to do something, partner.

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Enlighten me

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Roll Tide!

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I checked, and it looks like a lot of them got added. Good job to Wikipedia.

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Hail state! Or Go Rebs! Either one really.

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