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A painful reminder of how beautiful the real night sky would be if there wasn't so much light pollution.

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Sometimes in the night, I'm walking with a horse with eyes in the sky

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There are real life constellations in the RDR2 sky. If you look through your binoculars, you\u2019ll see the Hyades and Pleiades to name a few.

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I was just playing and went to moonstone pond and the night sky looked so beautiful

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Love these views in game. Any time there's a thunderstorm I stop and watch for a minute

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2.1 million members of this subreddit but you're the only one. Congrats, OP!



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You are actually the only one!

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Reminds me when I went up North to Rangeley, Maine. I was tripping on acid and haven\u2019t been in a desolate Mountain area like that before. The stars were amazing, there were millions of them, more than i\u2019ve ever seen in my life. Safe to say, i\u2019m heading back next Winter.

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Even in the first one its premios

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I love camping in the snowy mountains. Such a vibe

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if your on pc you gotta check out this mod i cant end eve the exact name but it\u2019s like darker nights or something along those lines, it makes the night darker it the stars were so much better looking than they already are

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Exactly! When driving on a fairly desolate highway about 10 miles from a city, there's such a glow coming from a nearby city thats just all around that location it's horrible

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So you\u2019re an advocate for emp\u2019s for the planet?

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You can also see a meteor shower.

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I love that they did that. I always see Orion in the sky. It makes me wonder how many constellations they put in the game?

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