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It kind of looks like the handlebar mustache with that fork beard but i feel like my handlebar just stops growing at level 4 no matter how many hair tonics I take. So now i think it may be modded or a different style, anyone know?

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That\u2019s the handlebar with a level 3 forked beard. Go to the Van Horn fence guy, take 3 tonics, shoot him in the head, and keep using the \u201cWait\u201d option that now appears when you try to go inside until it reaches the length you want.


Jacket is a mod, not sure about the hat, probably a mod as well.

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The clothes are from the red dead offline mod I believe

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thank you\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc

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damn\ud83d\ude14 wish i could mod on playstation

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