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this happens to me after a couple of mins of playtime, wanna know if other people have this issue and/or solved it\ni'm on an i3 1115g4 and intel UHD btw (ik it's below the system requirements but cards way below the system requirements run it fine)

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Minecraft clouds

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The philosophical idea of this is horrifying, imagine minding your own business and then the sky looks like this, you'd be convinced you live in simulation and would question if you're actually real or not lmao

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Report it to Rockstars customer support


When they email back, reply to the email and ask them when they're gonna fix it (that'll get you to a human)


Reply again in 1 week to get an irritated human response again


Reply again in another week


And another week


They really hate when you care

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Came here looking for this

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ikr lmao, i actually would've loved seeing this sort of effect in a game about simulations or smth dystopian but. oh well

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