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Zombies spawning as humans then switching textures, Armadillo floors not loading, poncho physics look hilarious, horse physics are buggy and horses handle really weird sometimes, zombie spawns are weird, textures refusing to load until restarting. I also can't even complete Torquemada because it won't spawn in to the world but it gives me notifications to help survivors when I leave? Anyone else having these issues with the...PC remaster? Not at all what I remembered from PS3 or Xbox. It's also disappointing seeing a lack of RDR2 QoL upgrades as I've had my weapons switch in me countless times and I've had trouble changing weapons in fights. It really wanted have hurt to modernize and polish a few things for $50. The graphics aren't even that crazy for a supposed upgrade. I'm on the fence so far as to how much of a remaster this is or if it feels more like a buggy port years overdue. I can't help but feel like they expect modders to fix the issues since they're pretty prevalent in my experience so far. Haven't tried story since it's Halloween so can't speak much on that yet.", "selftext_html": "

Just finished Undead Nightmare and wow, bugs abound. Zombies spawning as humans then switching textures, Armadillo floors not loading, poncho physics look hilarious, horse physics are buggy and horses handle really weird sometimes, zombie spawns are weird, textures refusing to load until restarting. I also can't even complete Torquemada because it won't spawn in to the world but it gives me notifications to help survivors when I leave? Anyone else having these issues with the...PC remaster? Not at all what I remembered from PS3 or Xbox. It's also disappointing seeing a lack of RDR2 QoL upgrades as I've had my weapons switch in me countless times and I've had trouble changing weapons in fights. It really wanted have hurt to modernize and polish a few things for $50. The graphics aren't even that crazy for a supposed upgrade. I'm on the fence so far as to how much of a remaster this is or if it feels more like a buggy port years overdue. I can't help but feel like they expect modders to fix the issues since they're pretty prevalent in my experience so far. Haven't tried story since it's Halloween so can't speak much on that yet.

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The town on the cliff above you little confusing but you got this

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Sorry about the misspelling, meant to say there should have been modernized upgrades to QoL for $50.

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It's so unloaded that a random event spawned in Torquemada's location literally 30 seconds after posting this. Wtf, $50 honestly? Did you even remember there was supposed to be a town here?

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Its not a remaster. Its only a pc port. That being said not surprised they didn't squash the bugs before release. Rockstar doesn't care about ports and remasters.

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Thanks! I'll check it now. Minimap must be a little messed up then. I see shadows from buildings but no buildings in this spot still though.

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Hey thanks, you're right! The lower buildings still won't spawn (I see the roof shadows occasionally) but they set the location in the wrong spot. It is above on the hill which I couldn't see from the indicated spot. I haven't played this in years so that threw me off. Make sure you go up top until you see the walled city on the hillside. Regardless, what the hell. Why is that area giving me random shadows and why is the location wrong? In the photo you can see it clearly marked as being there, with visible structures on the minimap, but it's not that spot, it's the city above? Even if OG was like that, it could have been easily fixed for the price point in 2024 no less. New players are going to be confused and pissed when they don't understand where it is, and that's coming from an OG player who forgot and recognized it.

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Yeah, it's extremely obvious and not a truthful cash grab. The modders will fix it better than they would anyway I'm sure.

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All good man and hope your having fun playing still a great game all these years later

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Thank you! I am, it's still great regardless. If someone hasn't played RDR years ago, it's still a great way to go! I'm hoping the future brings great updates for RDR and RDR2! Have a good one my friend and thank you for your help, I was able to get the achievement for all spots secured at the same time\ud83d\ude01

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