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I know everybody hates him. But im replaying the game in long time. And hate even listen his bullshit. He acts all Moral Superior to John. But he kidnap a Women and Child and threating to Kill them. Which was illegal even in 1911. Which makes him a law breaker himself. "Oh Where Here to Enforce the Law". Well if your enforcing it, you shouldn't be breaking it. Not to mention all the other shady shit he was doing beside the story. Archer Fordham should gotten Jack Rage Too. Because he was just as bad. Its interesting that when John talk to people about this. Nobody like well that illegal. Yeah i know its fiction.

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No I'm sorry I will die on this hill - Edgar was no more or less unethical than John and Abigail - both of whom ran in a gang of murderers and thieves. As he says in RDR1, he could have been way harsher on John's family for his crimes.


Also (though this is a more tenuous hypothesis) I even believe that John may have been spared had he been more cooperative with the Bureau; the way he antagonizes Ross and Fordham in the WE chapter of RDR1 is foolish considering what he had done before, and what's at stake.


I think the game is far more interesting this way too - a tale of cynicism in which an anti-hero is ultimately denied his redemption by the flawed civilisation that was spreading through America in the new century.


RDR2 is the dying of the Old West, RDR1 is about the spectres of the Old West adrift in a new world. \nThe moral ambivalence of John and Ross is this in a nutshell.

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Abigail was also a criminal, he could've locked her up and it would've been legal. In the end he let her go, didn't last long but he still had some morals.

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Technically he didn't kidnap her. He arrested her. She was a criminal with the Van der Linden gang. She went to prison and John killing his former brothers in arms would grant John and his family a pardon.

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I think that\u2019s a bit of the point. Despite all his grandstanding (and the slightly justification when you see how dangerous the VDL gang was back in 1899), he is ultimately a glory hound blackmailing John, using Jack and Abigail as collateral for something he should be doing.

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It felt pretty good when you shot him as Jack.

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This is not about OP's post but most of the Comments here.


For Starters, Pinkerton WERE NOT REPEAT NOT Law Officers. Not the Sheriff, nor the US Marshalls. They were your common garden variety Private Eye. IRL as well as in the game they had zero morals, high ego and even higher Sales Pitches to the Rich.


Just to give you perspective an Accountant Robert J. Linden with the Chicago Branch of Pinkertons firebombed Jesse James House and nearly burned his mom and 9 year old brother died among others.


This was one of the more tame event compared to the other acts by Pinkerton's agents; kidnapped witnesses, bribed juries, used violence to break strikes and coerce confessions.


--Excerpt from he Western Peace Officer: A Legacy of Law and Order, by Frank Richard Prassel

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Well said!

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this people are much more real than the others, cops, soldiers, law.


people who are drawn to power are often like Edgar Ross


just a well-adjusted sociopath in a position of power. the biggest villain in RDR

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Couldn\u2019t have said it better myself. Red dead has never been black and white and that\u2019s what made it interesting.

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But they did try to kill her, they sent a army to shoot down the ranch regardless of who was there, Jack could have easily died in that shootout too and he is fully innocent from everything that happened.


I really think Ross had no morals and if Jack was killed in that mission it wouldn\u2019t bothered him

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It's ironic, considering I have more pardons than I know what to do with.

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Yes he is doing this for money just as the gang are. Is it wrong to blackmail criminals however? They aren't going to harm his family, just keep him from seeing them.


For the murders that they have committed they deserve to be imprisoned. John Marston is lucky to even be alive, let alone have the opportunity to see his family.

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Right? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02

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Maybe, but Abigail and especially Jack shouldn\u2019t have been involved. That\u2019s where he goes from \u201cAn asshat with a bit of a point\u201d to \u201cgovernment sanctioned thug\u201d

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It is pretty bad and very corrupt to kidnap a child and use it as leverage to force a criminal to do their work.


The right think to do would be to arrest John and sentence him

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I mean reasonably, you\u2019d think the government should take away the child of a spree-murdering hyper criminal and his former prosititute, also criminal wife. Jack doesn\u2019t exactly turn out okay, and it\u2019s not evident that the way his father dies is totally or even significantly to blame.

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John being a mass murderer is entirely dependent on player choice, however the first game more or less states that John hasn\u2019t gone shooting for a while which is why he\u2019s pretty rusty. Also, sure Abigail used to be a thief, but it\u2019s still a better environment then whatever government home Jack would\u2019ve been out in. Her being a prostitute is just the reality of the time, in fact she\u2019s the most responsible for Jack not turning out worse.

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I\u2019m not sure how much worse Jack could have turned out given that he\u2019s an outlaw in a dying west clearly saddled by excessive trauma and attachment issues related to the piss-poor parenting John and Abigail provided. Writing it off as the \u201creality of the time\u201d makes as much sense as writing off Dutch\u2019s many murders as simply the \u201creality of the time.\u201d

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There\u2019s nothing to state that he becomes a full on outlaw, all he does is kill Edgar Ross. He might be a fugitive, or just a drifter. I\u2019m not going to defend John\u2019s parenting ability. Even by 1911, he isn\u2019t a great father. A devoted one, definitely. How ever I haven\u2019t seen anything that shows Abigail is a poor mother. While she has her flaws at no point do they negatively affect Jack. If anything, it\u2019s the situation at large that causes Jack to be withdrawn.


Also, Abigail being a prostitute is because there are legitimately zero recourse for a vast amount of women during that time, there\u2019s a huge difference between that (which have stopped by 1899) and the wonton killing that the gang partakes in.

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If there was zero recourse why aren\u2019t literally all of the camp women prostitutes?

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\u2026There are legitimately zero recourse for a vast amount of women


I didn\u2019t say all women, even then a good amount of them do engage in sex work

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