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I'm working on a video about Arthur's character arc in chapter 6, in the end I think it would be really fitting if a song plays as he is riding off into the sunset.


I'm going over the OST, the license music and ambient music from RDR1 and 2. But I can't think of one just yet.


The tone and vibe I'm going for is the instrumental version of Johnny Ash song Hurt, but I don't want to use it cause it would be a bit cliche.


So preferably one that doesn't have lyrics but having lyrics isn't a deal breaker. I hope someone can help out

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I think this song really speaks to how Arthur, despite his health and everything he goes through, shows how he won\u2019t quit on the gang


The themes of having faith and trying to be a better person resonate



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Paint it, Black.

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From the RDR2 soundtrack, I've always liked "Do Not Seek Absolution" and "The Wheel".


I've used the latter in a video myself.

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"Sandstorm" by Darude

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Heart of Gold - Neil Young

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Here is two examples of previous videos wnd how the music was used:





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ambulance blues by neil young

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It has lyrics but Ordinary Man by Ozzy/Elton John

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Subterranean Homesick Blues

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It's a wonderful life by smith and burrows it's simply perfect many rdr fans agree

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Aint Talkin by Bob Dylan

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Dunno why my comments won't post. Trying for 3rd time.


Try American Venom the Soundtrack not the mission.



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Metallica - Bleeding Me


Arthur having a thorn on his side, from the tree he planted.(getting sick because of his choices)\nThe leech that's bleeding him being Dutch and his whole life. Maan it fits so well!

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I don't understand?, you want a song fits with rdr2 vibes or what?!, anyhow if it's right i recommend you to use: unshaken

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Either \u201cknockin on heavens door\u201d (high honor) or \u201chighway to hell\u201d (low honor)

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There\u2019s a version without lyrics as well. Maybe check out Ennio Morricone\u2019s soundtracks they might have what you\u2019re looking for", "body_html": "

I\u2019ve always loved Mountain Hymn from the game. There\u2019s a version without lyrics as well. Maybe check out Ennio Morricone\u2019s soundtracks they might have what you\u2019re looking for

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Buckethead - Monument Valley (I reckon this song fits your criteria well and is just great overall, especially the 3:40ish part. No lyrics).


I hope you find the track you're looking for

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Giants - bear hands

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Wayfairing stranger johnny cash

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I like Keep On Ramblin by Radio Company for Arthur's journey.

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"Another Time and Place" by Dave van Ronk


It holds a very important place in my heart. I hope it's of some use to you.

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I Just Wasn't Made For These Times or 'Til I Die. Both by The Beach Boys. Wild West Hero by The Electric Light Orchestra. I Won't Back Down by Johnny Cash. The Green Leaves of Summer from The Alamo soundtrack. There's an instrumental version of it this one on the Inglourious Basterds soundtrack.

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Take me Home, Country Roads by John Denver

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Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver

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Either God's Gunna Cut You Down or The Man Comes Around would be much better Cash songs than Hurt in my opinion

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That\u2019s The Way It Is by Daniel Lanois. It has lyrics though

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how about something from Hermanos Gutierez? Instrumental Western folk music.


Cerca de ti for example. Or Mesa Redonda...that's my favourite. Check them out.

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Take your upvote and piss off

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Son of a...

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Or the instrumental/concert version used in the robbery in westworld. Bit of a niche thing, but it was a vibe

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Really good picks, The Wheel is a very strong contender, man\u2026 where does it play? I forgot

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Remembrance is also pretty good

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Yes, I just see it due to someone else pointing out, this is exactly what I was looking for, hut I just couldn\u2019t put into words

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Mountain Hymn by Rhiannon Giddens

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Far Away by Jose Gonzalez

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This song will show up already in one of my videos so I don\u2019t want to have it show up twice.


I am considering using Red by Daniel Lanois as well, but maybe a cover of it

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For a more uplifting ending you could consider Outlaws From The West - Woody Jackson

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See the Fire in Your Eyes

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I\u2019m never gonna do that

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very first mission of the epilogue mission itself is called the wheel too

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Mountain Hymn or Morricone?

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Bruh it might be this one \ud83d\ude2d,


Thank you so much, I\u2019ll test it out and see how it feels

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I also really considered it, I love this song, but I think the vibes doesn\u2019t match to this video.


But I really want to use it at some point in a different video

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Never gonna what?

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Give you up? Let you down?

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Goddamnit you two...

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