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My new record of the rdr2 soundtrack in transparent red colour!

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time to flip it bro

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leave your doors unlocked and windows open

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Wow, had no idea there was a vinyl press of this. Sick!

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Nice! Lucky you!

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Cool shit. I merely ask that you look into a better turntable. Those cheap ones with the ceramic cartridges that let the record hang over the side ain't very good for the records, to say nothing of them sounding worse.

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\u00a0buy the most speakers possible, open your windows and doors, put the speakers on 100% and enjoy the rest

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Oh i have man. Many times. Got home about ago and listened to it once already and on again already!

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Everyone\u2019s open to listen!

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Boss you have a issue, You don't know the location

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enjoy bro , the game has a sick selection of tunes

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