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Buy the real game

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People in the comments saying "just buy the game!!!1!11!" as if third world countries and minimum wages didn't exist

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Opciones, Idiomas, scroll until it becomes english.\u00a0 Fuck $50 for a 15 year old game.

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make a shortcut of rdr.exe, add this after the "rdr.exe" (or whatever it says), -rglLanguage=en_US (for english)


it would look like this: "rdr.exe" -rglLanguage=en_US


these are all the valid options after the =, en-US, ru-RU, it-IT, de-DE, fr-FR, es-ES, ko-KR, zh-CN, es-419, zh-TW, ja-JP, pl-PL, pt-BR

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I think the FBI might be able to help with that. Give them a call and explain the issue...

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Have you tried buying the game

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Preach,piracy is shitty unless it\u2019s a bad game

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it's no an option

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Especially with that price for a game that's over a decade old \ud83d\udc80 it's just a greedy move by rockstar. Even EA gave away Sims 2 ultimate collection for free when Sims 4 came out. After a few years they also made the Sims 4 base game for free and EA are generally money hungry cash grab criminals.

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Also fuck 50 dollars for a 14 year old game

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It's the message

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it's no an option

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sorry there is no option of language

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But it is the genuine game?

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Works on FitGirl.

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