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Let us know if you were able to grab anything like the plants or the Miller Revolver.

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Meat-shielding your way through New Austin?

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Looks like Arthur's going some place dry and warm like the doctor suggested

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U found a poor woman with her head stuck in a chonky deers ass, decided to help and heres the result?

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id say you\u2019re cleaning your horse tbh

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Is...is that Abigail dead besides you or Mary? Either way good fuck them witches. Mary keeps playing with Arthurs heart for her advantage, and Abigail is just plain mean to John. Sure, he's an idiot at times, but don't scream. Call him useless and a waste of a man in front of your child ffs. I swear most of Jack's trauma likely comes from over hearing his mom ripping into his dad cause she's in a bad mood that day, and he was close enough to blame something on

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Whatever it is, it\u2019s definitely Illegal in Saint Denis, Tumbleweed, and all of New Hanover.


Not Rhodes though, them cross-burning cousinfuckers are down for anything \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb

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Marrying the love of your life.

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Could do this in Chapter 4 during a Bronte mission without worrying about the Sniper

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I just did it with the buggy. Took like 5 tries to get all 3 plants (the 4th one is easy to get cuz no sniper by Blackwater)

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With wagon it's easy ..", "body_html": "

Grabbing plants with a dead animal is almost impossible. With wagon it's easy ..

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aggressively snipes you by a weird angle

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In GTAV you could put remote explosives all over the beach ball by the pool then kick it into the house for your cheating wife and worthless son to enjoy. Sadly RDR2 doesn\u2019t have remote explosives nor can I launch dynamite arrows in Abigails general direction.

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Not illegal in West Elizabeth though.

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True but it\u2019s also possible OP is doing the herb collection challenge, I remember doing this method for that as well

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