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Imagine if he used the Evans Repeaters

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He coulda done it. I've taken all 16 dudes at Shady Belle with two pistols

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We need to accept John could've easily survived, but he knew his family would be in danger as long as he was alive

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The fact that he stayed alive for a good minute after being shot that many times is legendary. Not to mention how many critical hits he took

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He just said guess il die at the end bro could take all of them def

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bro fell off

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he only needs one bullet, for himself.

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John(1)17. Halo prequel confirmed.

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John knew that the Van Der Linde gang ends with him, and that he was the final target. Fighting it would\u2019ve just been more dangerous for Jack and Abigail.", "body_html": "

O if John wanted to survive that fight, he would\u2019ve went out the back door it\u2019s his family. John knew that the Van Der Linde gang ends with him, and that he was the final target. Fighting it would\u2019ve just been more dangerous for Jack and Abigail.

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I was so convinced he could take them I thought I had done something wrong and reloaded. I mean, he seemed to have killed half the army in the scene before and then he's stuck on these 17 *&^*&^s.

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Idk what\u2019s happening here, as I haven\u2019t played #1, but I\u2019m putting 2 and 2 together and I don\u2019t like it. Where\u2019s my model 1899s when I need em\u2026

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Tactically speaking, john could of just ran out of the back of the barn and picked all of them off with his rolling block rifle

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I mean he could have flanked them from the side or even behind if he just snuck out the back of the barn

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I kind of wish we had a scene like the end of crisis core, where enemies just kept spawning over and over until John was finally killed

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He could have done it if he got a couple of those trinkets and talismans and reached master hunter level 10

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i hate that this ending is forced on us. Hes been in worse spots and killed more people before.

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That is so interesting

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I always at least pick off Agent Archer before I go down in this scene.

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i've also taken all 16 dudes at sady belle

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Glad you added the \u201cwith two pistols\u201d part

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With the added context of 2, I've had the opinion that John never truly redeemed himself in the same sense Arthur did. He had a good heart but never truly abandoned Dutch's dangerous philosophies.


The idea that he laid down his life, with the knowledge he wouldn't make it out helps his arc a little in my mind.

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I thought everyone thought this?

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Same as Micah, shot in the dick and head a dozen times and still manages to shrug, turn around, walk away and fall over.

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Johnson (Lenny\u2019s uncle) comes and finds John Marston, on the brink of death, and brings him to the training facility underneath Blackwater to become a spartan.", "body_html": "

Sgt. Johnson (Lenny\u2019s uncle) comes and finds John Marston, on the brink of death, and brings him to the training facility underneath Blackwater to become a spartan.

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At the end of RDR1, they show up to reward and thank John for capturing Bill, Javier, and Dutch. He shares a cigar with Edgar Ross and they become best friends.

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For the love of god do yourself a favor and play 1

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That\u2019s the not the point

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John had to die so his family could live. He could take them on the run, but there'd always be lead flying his way and he didn't want his family to be casualties.

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It\u2019s almost like he could\u2019ve killed them all but choose not too

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Ram ranch

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In a firefight, right?

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Oh lord, can you imagine? Nah, I bang Murfrees

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Letting himself die to save his family is how he fully achieved his redemption. Arthur let Micah kill him (or basically almost kill him, depending on the ending) to let John escape with his family and live the life Arthur couldn't have with Mary.

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It was completely obvious that John fully intended to lay down his life for his family. Otherwise he would've just gone out the back of the barn where the soldiers weren't focused and gotten to a vantage point to pick them off, like he had done dozens of times throughout the rest of the game. It's the reason he sends Jack and Abigail away on horseback and has an \"I love you\" exchange with them. There's even a close-up on John as he watches Jack and Abigail ride away from the barn where you can see an obvious somber look on his face; he knew he wouldn't see them again. John had already made the decision to sacrifice his life so that his family wouldn't have to live on the run from the law anymore.\n\nAlso, I don't know how you came to think Arthur was any more redeemed than John was. Arthur only began to change when he recognized his own mortality after his TB diagnosis. Him doing what he did for John and the others he helped was more about making his life \"mean something\" before it was all over with than strictly caring about their wellbeing (though that did enter into it, but I don't believe it was his primary focus). John on the other hand was thinking about nothing but his family at the end of Chapter 6 in RDR2 and went to be with them regardless of whether Arthur decides to go with John or go back for the loot (either can be considered canon). Arthur sacrificing himself for John is also somewhat less significant than John's sacrifice for his family given the fact that Arthur was already terminally ill anyway. Unlike Arthur, John came away from his life of crime and actually changed into a different man for the sake of his family. Arthur once had a family of his own in his past and was never around for them, resulting in them being killed by bandits. That wasn't something that he ever really managed to atone for. John at first rejected his family but came to love them dearly and eventually gave his own life for them. That is a highly compelling and dynamic character arc, arguably more so than Arthur's. His efforts all throughout the first game were for nothing else but to ensure their safety and his primary focus was on them and not himself. John absolutely became a family man through and through. The only contradiction to this is his decision to go after Micah at the end of RDR2. However, this was still more about an obligation he felt he owed to Arthur than merely for personal revenge. If anything I would say Arthur and John had equally redeemed arcs, with John's motives arguably being slightly more pure and selfless.", "body_html": "

That's not merely an interesting take, that's exactly what happened. It was completely obvious that John fully intended to lay down his life for his family. Otherwise he would've just gone out the back of the barn where the soldiers weren't focused and gotten to a vantage point to pick them off, like he had done dozens of times throughout the rest of the game. It's the reason he sends Jack and Abigail away on horseback and has an "I love you" exchange with them. There's even a close-up on John as he watches Jack and Abigail ride away from the barn where you can see an obvious somber look on his face; he knew he wouldn't see them again. John had already made the decision to sacrifice his life so that his family wouldn't have to live on the run from the law anymore.


Also, I don't know how you came to think Arthur was any more redeemed than John was. Arthur only began to change when he recognized his own mortality after his TB diagnosis. Him doing what he did for John and the others he helped was more about making his life "mean something" before it was all over with than strictly caring about their wellbeing (though that did enter into it, but I don't believe it was his primary focus). John on the other hand was thinking about nothing but his family at the end of Chapter 6 in RDR2 and went to be with them regardless of whether Arthur decides to go with John or go back for the loot (either can be considered canon). Arthur sacrificing himself for John is also somewhat less significant than John's sacrifice for his family given the fact that Arthur was already terminally ill anyway. Unlike Arthur, John came away from his life of crime and actually changed into a different man for the sake of his family. Arthur once had a family of his own in his past and was never around for them, resulting in them being killed by bandits. That wasn't something that he ever really managed to atone for. John at first rejected his family but came to love them dearly and eventually gave his own life for them. That is a highly compelling and dynamic character arc, arguably more so than Arthur's. His efforts all throughout the first game were for nothing else but to ensure their safety and his primary focus was on them and not himself. John absolutely became a family man through and through. The only contradiction to this is his decision to go after Micah at the end of RDR2. However, this was still more about an obligation he felt he owed to Arthur than merely for personal revenge. If anything I would say Arthur and John had equally redeemed arcs, with John's motives arguably being slightly more pure and selfless.

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What bad philosophies did John have that are dangerous?

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Throughout the story in RDR there are numerous mentions of cycles repeating themselves and people never truly letting things go or being able to move on from their mistakes/past. In huge, iconic lines (people don\u2019t forget, nothing gets forgiven) as well as minor moments and strangers (Flowers for a Lady, Eva in Peril, Let No Man Put Asunder). I always had it in my headcanon that John always understood that he was never going to truly make it out of all of this, but he wanted to make sure his family was able to move on without the shadow of his past life looming over them. If the rest of the gang are killed, along with him, then the wages of their sins have been paid. For a brief moment after finishing his mission, he\u2019s able to enjoy some time with them. But when they inevitably cane back for him, he stood his ground. After Uncle gets shot, it\u2019s like something switches in his mind and he thinks back to Dutch\u2019s last words and decides that he will be the monster they need to justify their wages. He will take on that role one last time so his family wouldn\u2019t need to deal with it anymore. RDR2 adds an extra bit of context to it as well, as it also implies he only then took the lesson from Arthur to heart. He made the mistake of taking revenge back during the RDR2 epilogue, and it eventually leads to all these events in RDR. Now he knows, the important thing is keeping his family safe even if it means sacrificing himself. And of course, in keeping with cyclical nature of things Rockstar seems to be fond of in the Red Dead universe, Jack eventually goes down a path of revenge himself, which is also a lesson for Ross about also never being able to escape your past mistakes. Living a life of a retired hero fishing out in Mexico when the consequences of his treachery and cruelty come back to haunt him.

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I always thought it was obvious he allowed them to kill him. Why would he walk out directly in front of them with his gun holstered after seeing them all aiming at hi. His eyes closing and sigh he makes was him coming to terms with his fate.

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I nearly choked on my drink \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02

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\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 for realllll

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Dick, left nut, right nut, left knee, right hand and the final shot between the eyes.

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Of course with explosive rounds

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You\u2019re wrong, he doesn\u2019t share a cigar, they go to the Blackwater bar and shows a stash of money just for him.

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And I believe you!!!



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that is not what happens

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I want to\u2026 I feel like it\u2019s gonna be a let down graphically, sadly, but I\u2019m sure I will eventually. I really wish they\u2019d remaster it and just strap it onto the end of #2 as DLC or something, but that\u2019s just wishful thinking.

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18 naked raiders in the showers at shady belle

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Arthur sacrificed his life for the exact same people that John did.


His sacrifice was even more selfless since there wasn\u2019t anywhere near the same emotional connection between Arthur and the Marston\u2019s in RDR2 as there was between the Marstons in RDR1. A lot of father\u2019s (by no means all) would sacrifice their own lives for their wife and children. Very few men would sacrifice themselves for a friend\u2019s family.


Also, Arthur\u2019s redemption was well underway, and basically complete prior to saving John - he had already put Abigail and Jack in the clear and had returned to camp to confront Micah. His real redemption was in \nAbandoning any chance to prolong his life by moving to a location that would have been easier on his tuberculosis . Instead, he went back to the gang to protect them and help them escape. And during that time he helped several other people as well. And it was killing him the whole time. He didn\u2019t owe any of the gang that kind of sacrifice.

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John had a looser, roguish bond to the gang at their end, but his "code" was still forged by Dutch. Past the point he's been given a new life, he still holds onto Dutch's counter-culture 4chan talking points in RDR1. The most clear example of this is that "nothing is forgiven" speech to Bonnie, but there's plenty more little hints- including the fact that Abigail was afraid John might go back to Dutch.


Dutch has made him feel imprisoned by a system, and now here he is, so many years removed from his outlaw life and he's still feeling oppressed by the law. Did Dutch's words have merit? Honestly, yes. The writers illustrate that Dutch DOES have a point about the new world repressing mankind. But it's a little worrying to see John still cling onto that perspective, even if he has fair reason to do so. (given his family got fucking imprisoned by Feds)


Time and time again John has proven he puts himself before others. If he did not hunt Micah down, RDR1 wouldn't exist (well, from the post-prequel perspective.) If he was not still at least somewhat of a crook, he would have presumably slipped through the system. It's almost like he has a good heart, but needs to rebel.

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Killing people for money

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"I believe an old friend of yours buried this here some time ago". Iconic Edgar Ross quote

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That is exactly what happens? Fake fan smh my head

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You played the wrong game then

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bro did not play the game


it's exactly what happens

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Graphics still hold up really well. Not to 2\u2019s level, but still a beautiful game and the western atmosphere is phenomenal.


I spent many good years playing this bad boy over and over

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Bang, as in gun goes bang, obviously.

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Arthur's sacrifice was not more selfless than John's; it's the other way around. The people Arthur sacrificed for were the closest thing he had to a family himself. It's not like he gave his life for people he hadn't known well. The gang was literally the only \"family\" he had, and John, Abigail and Jack were the ones most in need of his help. \n\nAs I pointed out, Arthur sought redemption only *after* he got sick, which is itself an important aspect to point out, in order to make his life \"mean something\" before he ultimately succumbed to his illness\u2014a fact that he himself reiterated to characters like Rains Fall and Sister Calder\u00f3n. Arthur didn't want to die without feeling that he had done something significant and good for somebody to ease his conscience after a life of crime and depravity; he wasn't solely focused on John and his family's wellbeing, he was equally focused on acquiring his own atonement. Thus, unlike with John, there was an element of selfishness involved in Arthur's redemption arc. \n\nArthur was going to die either way...if not from giving his life for John then by succumbing to tuberculosis. This inherently makes his \"sacrifice\" less significant because it only sped up the inevitable. Many people would be more likely to perform a self-sacrifical act if they knew they weren't going to make it out alive anyway. It's an entirely different matter though if you have the option to survive. And no, Arthur's redemption was not complete prior to saving John, given the fact that he can just as easily choose to leave John to the dogs and go back for the money, thus undoing his redemption in favor of personal revenge and greed and forgoing the self-sacrifical act that John himself performs in RDR1. Arthur not saving John only creates a further dichotomy between the two characters' redemption arcs. Providing we're focusing strictly on an honorable playthrough, Arthur going with John to get him to safety was the only logical step to take to fully achieve the atonement he was so desperately seeking, i.e. the \"loving act\" that Sister Calder\u00f3n had suggested to him. Again, it wasn't strictly about John's wellbeing, it was about Arthur wanting to ease his own conscience and die with honor. Like it or not, that's not _entirely_ selfless.\n\nJohn on the other hand could have chosen to be selfish at the end of RDR1 and flee with his family; he had that option. After all, he'd wanted so desperately to be reunited with them the whole game, and he finally was. However, fleeing with them would have put his wife and son in jeopardy from then on, constantly having to look over their shoulders and be on the run as fugitives hunted by the law. So John chose to put his family before himself and lay down his life for them\u2014no fanfare, no dramatic buildup to it, just him telling Abigail and Jack that he'd \"catch up\" with them later to get them to flee so that he could do what he knew he ultimately needed to. Unlike with Arthur, John's sacrificial act wasn't about him trying to achieve something for himself; he wasn't driven by obtaining honor or \"making up\" for his past so that he somehow could feel morally absolved. He was only focused on the safety of his family. This is why John's motives were more pure-hearted and selfless, and why his sacrifice was ultimately more significant.", "body_html": "

I completely disagree. Arthur's sacrifice was not more selfless than John's; it's the other way around. The people Arthur sacrificed for were the closest thing he had to a family himself. It's not like he gave his life for people he hadn't known well. The gang was literally the only "family" he had, and John, Abigail and Jack were the ones most in need of his help.


As I pointed out, Arthur sought redemption only after he got sick, which is itself an important aspect to point out, in order to make his life "mean something" before he ultimately succumbed to his illness\u2014a fact that he himself reiterated to characters like Rains Fall and Sister Calder\u00f3n. Arthur didn't want to die without feeling that he had done something significant and good for somebody to ease his conscience after a life of crime and depravity; he wasn't solely focused on John and his family's wellbeing, he was equally focused on acquiring his own atonement. Thus, unlike with John, there was an element of selfishness involved in Arthur's redemption arc.


Arthur was going to die either way...if not from giving his life for John then by succumbing to tuberculosis. This inherently makes his "sacrifice" less significant because it only sped up the inevitable. Many people would be more likely to perform a self-sacrifical act if they knew they weren't going to make it out alive anyway. It's an entirely different matter though if you have the option to survive. And no, Arthur's redemption was not complete prior to saving John, given the fact that he can just as easily choose to leave John to the dogs and go back for the money, thus undoing his redemption in favor of personal revenge and greed and forgoing the self-sacrifical act that John himself performs in RDR1. Arthur not saving John only creates a further dichotomy between the two characters' redemption arcs. Providing we're focusing strictly on an honorable playthrough, Arthur going with John to get him to safety was the only logical step to take to fully achieve the atonement he was so desperately seeking, i.e. the "loving act" that Sister Calder\u00f3n had suggested to him. Again, it wasn't strictly about John's wellbeing, it was about Arthur wanting to ease his own conscience and die with honor. Like it or not, that's not entirely selfless.


John on the other hand could have chosen to be selfish at the end of RDR1 and flee with his family; he had that option. After all, he'd wanted so desperately to be reunited with them the whole game, and he finally was. However, fleeing with them would have put his wife and son in jeopardy from then on, constantly having to look over their shoulders and be on the run as fugitives hunted by the law. So John chose to put his family before himself and lay down his life for them\u2014no fanfare, no dramatic buildup to it, just him telling Abigail and Jack that he'd "catch up" with them later to get them to flee so that he could do what he knew he ultimately needed to. Unlike with Arthur, John's sacrificial act wasn't about him trying to achieve something for himself; he wasn't driven by obtaining honor or "making up" for his past so that he somehow could feel morally absolved. He was only focused on the safety of his family. This is why John's motives were more pure-hearted and selfless, and why his sacrifice was ultimately more significant.

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His code is also mentioned in the ride to tumbleweed


The sheriff asks him why he hates the government so much John replies with\n"They'll rob you blind and then hire someone to investigate the crime on your behalf

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He did that for his family, he was forced to do that. Not a philosophy of his.

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When does he ever kill people for money in RDR1?

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Well there was a time before where he prioritized doing that stuff more than his own family

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And that "time before" isn't relevant since we're talking about supposed dangerous philosophies John had years after he left the gang, not while he was in it.

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