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I heard so many people say this is one of the weakest chapters but I just think its like its little western movie on its own and just so great. I liked it way more than guarma and its equal to chapter 1 i think.

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the weakest chapter is literally chapter 1. It's just full of tutorials and little story or gameplay. However epilogue chapter 1 is filled with important character development and it feels good after all the chapter 5-6 stuff that gets you depressed. I love epilogue and playing with John.

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I loved most of the epilogue

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The entire epilogue was a love letter to rdr1 except for John\u2019s epilogue model being Arthur with black hair.

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Jim Milton Rides Again might be my single favorite mission in the entire game. The impactful catharsis of the song soaring and swelling in reference to the original game\u2019s music was the icing on the cake.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you. This was an amazing chapter. Might even be the top 2 or 3 for me.

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Probably my favourite sequence of missions after 2 and 3.

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I think it's probably the weakest chapter in the game. I also think Jim Milton Rides Again might be the best mission in the game. Both these things can be true

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I think chapter 1 is underrated too. With the tutorialstuff and so on you are very right, but the snow setting is so cool and the survival aspect of the game is so well done here. You can feel the helpnesless of the people in camp and you do not have 27348 billion dollars and nearly unlimited food at you. Its very linear though. That, and the tutorial things are the only things bringing it a bit down.

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I like the tutorial chapter I, it's great. Never understood what the problem is, i mean tutorials are normal today and it's well done inside the missions, like where you go hunting or you rescue John.

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Honestly wish they\u2019d just went full Kojima and given us like an hour long cinematic cutscene + the shooting mission, rather than a dozen tedious tutorial missions

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It didn\u2019t take me out of it at the time because it\u2019d been a long time since I\u2019d played 1 and I didn\u2019t go online at all until I\u2019d completed the story.


But holy shit once you see it, it can\u2019t be unseen.

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The isolative nature of the entire chapter serves as great character introductions for most of the main members. In times of struggle everyone is forced together, causing friction and *development.* I don't understand the opinion that there's little story?


Dialogue happens. Characters happen. There is movement and introductions in the story. It sets up multiple plot devices for the rest of the game.


It's... the beginning of a long-form story. And that's what a story is. So "little story happening" makes no sense to me.

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It\u2019s one of the least interesting parts when you\u2019ve already played it, but when I first played it was incredible.

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