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I was riding around catfish and saw this.

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Area was flooded at one point

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I have so many questions onto how that could have possibly gotten there. My only explanation is a time traveler slapped a motor on it, ramped it onto that tree, and ran a way with the motor lol

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Boat named Juan

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You can fish from up there :)

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Yeah, just a landmark, bit of lore. No explanation of how it gets up there, but probably a hurricane or severe storm. It's a game that has aliens and ghost trains, so this is more plausible :)

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Fuggin arthur spitted in blackwater caused a flood in the kamassa river

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Dutch's plan failed

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Used to be an ocean

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I was like "wtf is goin on here"

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Juan up there in a tree, juan on the beach, and juan in the river

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Would\u2019ve been funny is Arthur was somehow programmed to write in his journal when glitches happened. \u201cDutch was floating today, he really is starting to go crazy\u201d \n\u201cI saw a boat stuck in a tree, I think I had too much to drink this time\u201d

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