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Arthur rises from the dead to take revenge, would be interesting

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I would love Arthur to remain a human like RDR 1 then come back as a zombie after the ending.


Imagine Arthur reacting to zombies. \u201cDutch what the HELL IS THAT?!\u201d


\u201cThe undead Arthur. We still need a plan to go to Tahiti.\u201d

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For me it would be a non-canon alternate story DLC. That way you can kill characters or mix others up or go places such as New Austin.


I\u2019d start in Chapter 2 when you go into town with Uncle and the girls but instead when you get to Valentine there is a cutscene where someone gets attacked by a zombie and you have to escape back to camp. (There can be a tutorial for the DLC).


Then you get back to camp to find the Pinkertons and the gang fighting off a horde, you join them and kill the horde and then work with the pinkertons for a few chapters with different camps and such to find a cure / escape to somewhere maybe Guarma. Id think 3-4 chapters could work and some different camps such as Fort Wallace and maybe the burned down Indian village could work as camps.

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Idk but I want lightning gun from the professor to kill a Wendigo

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Why do people always want to play as an undead Arthur, yeah sure maybe at the end like in the first one. But you guys don't want to see a living Arthur react to zombies and strange happenings with his humour and observations and not a grunting zombie who can't hold a conversation??

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After Micah and Dutch escape from Hell, Arthur is sent back from Heaven to send them back. It turns out that Karen did in fact survive the destruction of the gang and has cut a deal with Satan in order to try and get the old gang back via some ancient religious artifact she found in a Mexican monastery.

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The gang successfully robs the Saint Denis bank without casualties, everyone goes to Tahiti and discovers that there is a zombie infestation and grotesque creatures there. a new complete map for tahiti at least the size of just mexico or just new austin in red dead 1 with a cast of new characters and side missions to do would be interesting

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Holy shit. Every time I see these I am filled with hope and excitement until I realize what it is then I am left, crushed, knowing that we will never get another one", "body_html": "

Between the rdr1/undead nightmare for pc ads and these fucking concept posters, I cannot take it anymore. Holy shit. Every time I see these I am filled with hope and excitement until I realize what it is then I am left, crushed, knowing that we will never get another one

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Maybe something started by the Chelonia or the rumored "curse" that lingers around the city of Valentine

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Hear me out, RDUN2 takes place AFTER the first one, Zombie Arther vs Zombie John

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Arthur coming back as a ghost rider type character fighting to save John and Co from a zombie apocalypse.

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Had a dream about this a couple years back and it felt so real, the map looked like Undead Nightmare's with a bright limish yellow map with blood red waterways, I resumed gameplay and a cutscene of Micah talking to Arthur played:


Micah: "The Boss says we gotta go clear out that area"


Arthur: "There too?! I just got back from Lannahachee and they weren't doing so good either"


Micah: " I don't make the rules Morgan and I don't know if you noticed but nothing is good no more, look around YOU"


Forgot how the conversation completely went but it felt INTENSE, I went back to the map and saw the land across from Van Horn was EXPANDED and had missions (state of Lannahachee)

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Angelo Bronte goes to Mexico and steals the same relic as the one in og UN and a zombie apocalypse happens


Funny antics of the Gang vs zombies happen

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Arthur coming back from the death to fight and kill again some of the antagonist from his part of the story,like Colm O Driscoll,Angelo Bronte,Agent Milton,etc. That also are zombies and want to go after Jhon and his family for revenge,so Arthur basically have to fight with them for saving Jhon again and die in peace...

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dutch needs more money so he plans to make zombies with a certain professor

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The gang in Colter gets overrun by Zombies. Some escape, some die. Arthur begins to look for the other gang members and help the towns. At some point Arthur gets infected by Thomas Downes and an infected Micah betrays the gang and gets some of them killed. In the end it ends as Undead Arthur and Undead Micah fight each other.

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I feel like it should take place after Arthur gets captured by the O\u2019Driscolls. Arthur wakes up upside down after Colm\u2019s cutscene, and he hears screaming and growling outside. Gets himself untied the same way. Now Arthur either has to sneak past or fight while getting his weapons back. Arthur rides off, falls down, and gets saved by a new character. A good place to start the story. Arthur tries to stop the curse just like John did. While at the same time saving his fellow gang members along the way, and maybe killing some others too\u2026

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Have it start when arthur gets off the boat in van horn returning from gaurma to an america infested with zombies and the entire dlc your trying to learn what happened.

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Or....undead Micah comes back to get his revenge on Arthur and the gang.

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Undead Nightmare 2: The Rise of the Night Folk

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Everyone you killed in RDR2 comes back..lead by Thomas Downes,for YOU.look in your gang members killed...thatd be alot of undead

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Last undead nightmare we fought against zombies as a human but what if we were a zombie this time around\u00a0

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We were the undead. Game killed me for atleast 2 weeks.

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I\u2019d want it take place either at the beginning of the game (like Horseshoe Overlook) or shortly before the Blackwater Job. I don\u2019t want to play as zombie Arthur or anything like that. In my opinion there\u2019s just too much potential to not have the whole gang and camp as part of a zombie/undead survival game. \nArthur\u2019s reaction to undead creatures, Dutch having his \u2018plans,\u2019 Micah or other gang members hiding their zombie bites, having to scavenge for food and resources to maintain the camp\u2026 it just sounds too good to pass up.

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You play as Sadie. Set during the events of the first Undead Nightmare. In the midst of bounty hunting, Sadie gets charged with killing the reanimated corpses of the Van Der Linde gang(possibly boss battle style). There will be a big showdown in Rhodes, where she reluctantly teams up with Pearson.


Throw in some suprise zombies from those that died throughout the main story. And cut Sadie off from traveling to New Austin so it doesn't break UN Canon with the first game. Either walled off by Zombies or a blood river that brings instant death. Maybe have Charles show up in a 'save the day' moment.


Game ends in a final showdown between Sadie and Zombie Arthur, but before she can deal the last blow to kill her friend, that's when John breaks the curse.

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Since they set up UFOs in rdr2, that's what I'd like to play: cowboys vs aliens.

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undead arthur hunting down and killing undead micah.

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An idea I have is that when Arthur is diagnosed with tb it\u2019s actually a zombie virus and he is patient 0 and he gets stronger and more feral until one day the camp wakes up to find one of them dead and Arthur a zombie and the the other dead rise beginning the infection and then you take over as John and try to keep your family safe

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Keep the story the same untill at some point the dead rise instead and the gang has to hideout and survive or something like that would cool.

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Undead Arthur Hunts down undead Micah cause hes doing some crazy evil undead shit. Low honor players are in it just for revenge while high honor players would want to stop him.


At the very least have micah be a henchman of the person bringing people back. Arthur wants to stop whoever is bringing people back cause its wrong or revenge for disturbing his rest or something

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I think that a alien envision wold be a cool idea Rockstar loves there aliens anyway

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Blackwater happens, the entire fight with the o'driscals happen, you go to Rob the train and its just packed with zombies. Head back to civilisation to find yet more zombies.


The story is trying to find a way to tahiti while trying to pay for Uncles Lumbego treatments.

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I wonder if this was ever story boarded in rockstar, we obv won't get it but I would love to see if they had anything written down on it

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We finally get to play the Blackwater heist\u2026and it turns out the lady Dutch shot (and the rest of the townspeople) were zombies. This is why everyone is kinda freaked out and doesn\u2019t talk much about it later on. The Callendar boys got bitten so they had to be, uhhh, left behind.

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Be cool to see all the characters that died in game play come back as zombies but only after the ending of the game. They all come back and Arthur and the remainder of the gang have to survive and scavenge like the walking dead and the longer you survive the zombies rot out if you caint kill them. All while coming in contact with survivors and new friends and enemies.

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Ok... hear me out here, playing as Dutch as he loses his mind, seeing visions of a dead Arthur and Hosea haunting him, like instead of it being zombies it could be ghosts

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The "shaman" who was "protecting" Butcher Creek messed with something he couldn't understand and now there are zombies everywhere

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Gotta be in guarma with that lady that Dutch kills some power magic or something

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I think it'd be cool to play as Dutch or Micah being hunted by undead Arthur

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Dead Arthur rising from the grave to get revenge on Micah

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Tuberculosis rising

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My version of undead nightmare, is that it\u2019s an actual nightmare realm you can enter whenever you sleep in game, so you can switch back and forth as you do story mode. The nightmare is slightly off, with characters slightly out of character, most notably Micah being the beta version which was an intellectual in over his head with the gang. Characters in the gang get infected but become evil undead lords rather than mindless undead, John being the first and riding the death horse again. Each region has a lord organizing the undead, and a couple of gang members and strangers holding together resistance (usually characters who didn\u2019t get enough screen time, like Cornwall, colm, Kieran, Sean, etc) Arthur has to cut his way through more likable gang members who didn\u2019t get to play full on villains in the main games, with fragile alliances with people he hates, to save the west. Final boss John could be cool and funny; you lure him into an ambush where he gets the firing squad, he walks it off because he\u2019s literally invincible by that point, and you need to just buy time until Dutch or someone crashes a boat into the pier and he drowns because magic didn\u2019t give him the ability to swim.

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Rip van winkle and Arthur battle undead Dutch and escape on a boat to Tahiti

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Micah stole some talisman from Cuba and when he died he came back (still with his mind and sense of self) and started the outbreak and you have to kill him to end it

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An undead Arthur is brought back to life with a human conscious in the midst of the zombie apocalypse, he is forced to put a end to the infection before it's too late, ending himself in the process, after the main game, the main character is Dutch

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Vampires but with huge dicks

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I think playing as dutch and seeing all the people he killed or betrayed who died would be interesting, probably set in 19 07. \nJust slowly going insane as you see zombie versions of arthur, hosea, micah, Molly, Grimshaw, eagle flies, Sean, the Callender brothers, Lenny, hell maybe even the count could be found and tamed

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I don't want zombies, I want other, better supernatural creatures

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davey, sean, hosea, lenny, and arthur come back

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I\u2019d like it if they basically had it where they apocalypse happens and then Dutch still goes on about his delusional plans but instead of it being about going to Tahiti it\u2019s about his solution to find cure forcing Arthur to help carry out his plans until he becomes a zombie. It\u2019d also be funny to see some of the members turn into zombies and would be interesting to see what would happen if they did like if they did would they somehow retain their humanity or just still roam around like ordinary zombies that\u2019s just my opinion tho.

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I don't want it to be just about zombies. I want zombies to be a minor threat this time around.


I want Arthur to become a monster hunter and take the story in a different direction after the incident in blackwater.


Just after saving Sadie, Gang members encounter a holy relic and accidently unleash a curse. It's up to Arthur to find and kill each gang member who have changed into monsters.


Arthur mainly hunts for Dutch, who has been building a army of vampires.


Side activities would be hunting American cryptids (windigo, mothman, jersey devil), helping towns survive, creating monster slaying gear, etc.


Some twisted stuff happens: \nJohn is never saved and dies in the mountains then becomes a Frankenstein's monster and potential ally.\nHosea is killed by Dutch and now follows Arthur to provide guidance. \nzealots go on witchhunts against survivors suspected to not be loyal to the church. \nSadie becomes a vampire's thrall but fights for control and hunts the one who changed her.\nKaren, grimshaw, and molly become dutch's loyal thralls.\nEtc. Etc.

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Spoilers ahead, TLDR at the bottom


The scene fades in. You see mountains, hear birds, then see a small hilltop. A deer comes into view. Suddenly, a gunshot! The deer drops to the ground bleeding profusely. The hunter drags the deer away but the camera doesn\u2019t follow. Instead it stays focused on the blood, which seeps into the ground as though pulled by some ethereal force. Then, a hand bursts through. Fade to black.


You see, Arthur didn\u2019t die that day in 1899. He didn\u2019t even have TB. He was weakened from not feeding. He was bitten by the Saint Denis vampire. Now he is awake and must come to terms with his new life, his new abilities, and his new hunger.


TLDR: Arthur is a Vampire, wakes up decades later, has some new abilities.

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Micah is a vampire who turns Dutch and eventually the whole gang.

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Nah fuck Undead Nightmaare II. Alien Frontier type shit. Cowboys and Aliens, there are multiple sightings of aliens in rdr2

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My approach would be k.i.s.s( keep it simple stupid) I see too many aliens vs cowboys, undead Arthur right off the bat or vampires or something convoluted.


Just zombies plain and simple, pick up at like the shady Belle chapter, chapter 4 someone gives Dutch the tip off of a boat coming into port from guarma or Mexico loaded with gold, Dutch plans a heist, among the ships cargo they find a lot less gold than they expected, a long with a curious sealed stone box with ancient carvings. Things go south, the boat sinks, and They take the loot back to shay Belle, where frustrated and unable to figure it out Micah breaks the box. revealing a slightly different but very familiar jade mask.they sky darkens a becomes hues of red/ otherworldly colors. The women of the gang scream from outside as corpses claimed by the swamp ruse from the bayou. The objective becomes defend the hideout.


Arthur defends against waves of undead, there's the option to hand over ammo to the others like in the original to speed up defenses. In the fighting Arthur is scratched or bit, and this introduces a new tonic to Arthur's crafting that staves off symptoms, with the added advantage of increases to stamina and deadeye. Holy water, and phosphorus rounds make a return as well. flammable moonshine jugs would be great fun to use against the hordes. \nId also introduce a fortification feature for camp through Pearson.


As for undead types keep the original set fresh, bolter, wretches, but id replace the bruiser undead with Undead ned Kellies undead armored brutes.


Cryptid hunts replace legendary animals, but keep it limited to Sasquatch, El chupacabra, the wampus cat, and maybe the Ozark howler. Aside from the Sasquatch a lot of these can be created using reskinned animal assets.


Id also add couple questlines involving the saint Denis vampire, maybe asking Arthur for a favor in exchange for a weapon, and a UFO sighting/alien abductions mission that concludes with Arthur finding a crashed saucer that rewards Arthur with an alien ray gun ( infinite ammo, but prone to overheating).


But the main story would involve Dutch becoming more and more corrupted leading to a final showdown In guarma with Arthur putting the mask back or containing it or succumbing to the infection and turning. Idk I've been thinking about this since before rdr2 launched im just spitballing

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The gang start becoming undead one by one would love to see how they try to survive

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I thought it would be so cool if they had a story where the gang were vampire hunters since they have that vampire in Saint Denis.


They could also be werewolf hunters, or like paranormal investigators

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Arthur awqkes from the dead marston need to hunt him

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undead nightmare only happens cuz jack read that book to john and then he have nightmare

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Vampires werewolfs

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Arthur has to escape the plague by fleeing to Tahiti

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Zombie Arthur

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Something where there\u2019s more vampires. Maybe have whoever made that pig man made other monsters and they go free

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An undead nightmare

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"canonically" it could have taken place during that time arthur is recovering from the o'driscoll kidnapping in chapter 3... imagine waking up from a fever dream and everything in camp seems off, we discover most of the gang is missing and despite the eerie background music and the sky looking all weird arthur decides to go look for them...


his search brings him all over the map facing wild hordes of raging zombies and animals, he runs into a couple of strangers along the way who seem to know more about the horrors he's facing and provide him with special equipment and weapons, maybe there could be some companion missions with little jack, like the one where we take him fishing in chapter 2 but this time we have to protect him from the dead, one by one we find our gang members but for some reason they don't seem the same...


in the end they all turn into mythical creatures that we have to fight or cure, dutch is dracula now, then you wake up.

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Okay, so I\u2019m going to go under the assumption that the DLC is non-canon, so here\u2019s what I think the plot would be, at least, how it would start:


I\u2019d say it would start at Shady Belle. The gang celebrates Jack\u2019s Return, then while Arthur\u2019s and some of the gang is asleep, Arthur hears Karen scream. When he comes outside, he sees what appears to be a zombie version of Sean biting into Karen. Arthur then puts Sean out of his misery by blowing his head off. However, before tying up Karen, she starts to attack some of the gang, infecting Mary-Beth, Swanson, Lenny. After tying all of them up. Then, Arthur, John, and some of the gang ride into Saint Denis to get help. What they see is pure anarchy. Buildings either being boarded up, set on fire, or just straight up abandoned.

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The mods Iv seen lately of Arthur as ghost rider is pretty bad ass

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Just make it so when you want to start Undead Nightmare, you go to that creepy barn thats painted \u201cSTAY OUT PLAGUE\u201d, you interact with it,\nNothing seems to happen, but later the next night in camp, a scene plays showing youve awoken a few zombies that were inside and they crawl out from a rotten hole you made looking for gold bars.


The longer you play, the further it spreads, one town here and there, slowly taking over more of the map while you and your camp try to out run it and find places of safety to set up camp,


Instead of buying useless crap for the camp like deer skulls, you have to forage for building materials, barricade and strengthen your shelters.


Make it so you select where to set camp up, you can choose anywhere.


Not sure how missions would work but just a true survival experience would be cool.

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Revived arthur fighting off zombies with sister Calder\u00f3n in Mexico

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You play as John and go on a buddy adventure with undead Arthur

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I was convinced a vampire hunter dlc woulda really fit into this one

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Arthur comes back and no longer has TB and lives the happy high honor life he deserves after killing Micah and dutch , (i love Arthur morgan and I'm so sad he got a shitty ending to his life)

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Here's my suggestion

  • Set sometime in Chapter 3, undead 2 will have the gang fending off zombies across scarlet Meadows, the bayou and even St Denis.

  • \n
  • it will allow you to have 2 or 3 gang members to follow you as you fight against the undead.

  • \n
  • The camp can have the occasional zombie attack where you defend your home and make sure no other camp members die.

  • \n
  • just for safe measurements, Micah gets bitten in the first cutscene.

  • \n
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Alright after scrolling these comments...how bout not zombies this time and instead vampires?

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Idea 1: Arthur gets bitten early on the game and his mission is to find the cure like rdr1(non canon obviously) and now Arthur fights off the zombies while redeeming himself. Camp should be set up in an island near Clemens point or on one of the forts. HOL'UP WHO LET ME COOK BRO


Idea 2: Arthur has tuberculosis already and they are located on Beaver Hollow, the zombie infection forces the gang including Micah to settle their beef and indifferences to fight off the zombie apocalypse(remember the gang is at its last legs on chapter 6) and what if the entire gangs mission this time around is to travel to Blackwater and retrieve the money so that they can afford to ride in a boat thats going off to any other country preferably Tahiti. Gameplay wise the gang gets to explore every city from Van Horn up to New Austin. And what if Arthur sacrifices himself to send off the gang to Tahiti because he has tuberculosis and dies. But then he gets revived as a revenant like John in rdr1 because he redeemed himself.


Thank you for letting me cook

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The one armed vet is patient 0. Arthur has to stop the spread. It\u2019s possible but not probable. If this is achieved, Arthur is welcome in every town with a parade and people fawning over him.


If not, Arthur is infected and now must take over the WORLD!


Final boss: Abigail Marston

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A fever dream as Arthur I guess. Same basic idea and the first undead nightmare. He wakes up after recovering from his run in with Colm and it was all a fever Dream

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Coming back as Dutch, finally reaching Tahiti just to end up infecting everyone there\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05

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One word. Lumbago.

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Maybe Arthur comes back as some spirit of vengeance. Still lean into the supernatural but maybe not zombies. Could bring in Native American folklore like skin walkers or wendigos

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vicious hell screams


YoOoUuUu sssIiirrRrr ARRRe a FiIiIiiSssssH

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It wouldn\u2019t be undead nightmare. Itd be Cowboys and Aliens.


As Arthur lays dying on the side of the mountain, a beam shoots down and tractors him up into a flying saucer. There he is not only cured but also experimented on. He escapes the aliens lab and steals their weapons.


He finds out Aliens are abducting various people through out the country and needs to free them.

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Knowing modern Rockstar they would probably make aliens cause people to become zombies. And the final act of the game is you fighting aliens and zombies. Also they would probably amp up Arthur's sassyness like how they amped up John's annoyance.

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Infection starts from 3rd meteorite

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I\u2019d rather have something different, like Aliens.

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I would honestly do a Vampire game. Zombies were done with John. I think Arthur can face a new weird threat. And the possibilities are endless from there on.


You can have regular looking vampire people. Strange nosferatu ghouls. Flying vampire bat monsters. Creepy wildlife.


The plot could honestly be the gang navigating this now demonic, twisted world, struggling to make alliances as many of the vampires become more feral while the more capable ones use them as minions.


And imagine Arthur gets the vampire sickness or hell go crazy, Werewolf (there's already a hair mechanic. But yeah, you could flesh that out.


Imagine an ending where he convinces John to kill him. Micah is changing too and wants to use Arthur somehow.

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Tbh I wouldn't care too much about the plot, I just want to roam the map, purging cities and all, like in RdR1 but with the full map of RdR2.

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Spooky stuff i can guarantee.


The whole underground map of New Austin is unlocked and we all realize that's why it was so empty.

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Zombie Arthur is the only thing that can stop the virus he\u2019s still \u201cintelligent\u201d just dead/infected. He is able to heal people before they\u2019re fully infected.

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Set after John hunts the gang they all rise up and you have to rekill Dutch, Javier and Micha maybe have a Dutches mom easter egg in blackwater you fight her or something

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The gang navigates through the states and instead of being hunted by the law, they are hunted by the undead. Some people in the gang die and turn into zombies and we gotta find some type of cure from some scientist wannabe. I don't know if I would want to include that mask from UDN 1 in the story tho

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Would be dope if it was a reverse undead nightmare. You go around as a zombie slowly infecting the population until everyone is wiped out.

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Gonna need alot more undead than just Arthur to make the game interesting

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So we play as zombie Arthur the whole game? So the first Undead Nightmare but in reverse.

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"Revenge is a fools game"-Arthur Morgan, 1899

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Revenge doesn't sound like something Arthur would want

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I think doing something with the vampire and giant lore would be fun too.

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I have a goddamn plan!!

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\u201cWe need to go to Tahiti to get away from this PLAGUE, Arthur!\u201d

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Pretty damn cool idea. I always thought it would be cool to have an apocalypse force the Pinkertons and the gang to work together

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It'd be cool to end it with the cure burying the thing that was dug up in the original undead nightmare. Basically opening up the idea that the first game wasn't the first time it has happened, leading to it being a possibility in the 2nd game.


But John's memory must be shot since in the 1st game he'd have never recalled the zombies appearing before.

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I'd buy it.

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"We don't eat babies, we eat fruits and berries!!"

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OR. We do it differently this time by having Arthur be a zombie who retains his humanity. Imagine all the reunions and reactions to dead Arthus walking through the door, arms wide awaiting a hug only to get shot in the chest on three separate occasions by Pearson, Tilly, or Reverend Swanson

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She could have also cut a deal to get just Sean back, not the whole gang (both seem plausible to me)

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What if they fail the bank heist as per the main story, but when they get to Guarma, instead of a civil war, they find the local population fighting for their lives against an army of undead.


I'm thinking something like Captain Salazar and his ghost crew or the cursed crew of the Black Pearl kinda undead rather than boring zombies (Pirates of the Caribbean, if you don't understand my reference). Perhaps it's all the murdered villagers or plantation slaves come back for revenge.


They key to everything could lie in the volcano, and the whole island is unlocked and explorable

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Oh god not him

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Micah revenge on arthur?

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Which entire fight with the O'Driscolls?. You mean one of the battles or the whole thing from the first fight in the mountains to Hanging Dog Ranch

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Or you are undead Arthur

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The infection gets started by the vampire I San Denis.

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What's the gameplay advantage of him being a zombie?? And why would he retain his humanity and no one else? And what fun is it having most of the gang gone so they can't interact with him?


Wouldn't people prefer to see it take place in Chapter 2 so you can see the gang in their prime again and working together to survive zombies? Perhaps seeing some of them turn themselves?

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thats funny :3

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You\u2019re undead Thomas Downes come back to get revenge

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Turns out that ginseng from Rains Fall was useful after all

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Bruh - People just miss Arthur, let them have their fantasies.

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What's the gameplay advantage of him being a zombie??<


John played exactly the same as a zombie.


And why would he retain his humanity and no one else?<


Because it's a video game .


And what fun is it having most of the gang gone so they can't interact with him?<


I literally said you could meet them all.


Wouldn't people prefer to see it take place in Chapter 2 so you can see the gang in their prime again and working together to survive zombies? Perhaps seeing some of them turn themselves?<


So you just want an identical experience as the first one but boring.

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Only to find your wife getting a train ran on her in Annesburg

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None of these points are points you're just being stubborn.


And you "LITERALLY" did not say you you could "MEET THEM ALL", you LITERALLY said Arthur would get shot by Pearson, Tilly and Swanson, all of who survive after Arthur has died.

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Got her right in the Annesburg.

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