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You won't be disappointed. It will still be the same game next year or so maybe it will be 20 or less, but If you have the money and want the game you won't he disappointed", "body_html": "

It's an all time great game. You won't be disappointed. It will still be the same game next year or so maybe it will be 20 or less, but If you have the money and want the game you won't he disappointed

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Look if instant gaming has any keys maybe. If not, just buy it or wait for a sale but by god, do not use some shady website to try to emulate it on PC like I did a few years back... Ended up getting a trojan but luckily noticed right away and not much harm was done. Normally I'm more than careful when downloading stuff and I knew it would be a bad idea, but I just wanted to play this game sooo bad that I ignored my gut feeling wich turned out to be (almost) pretty devastating.

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I think I payed that much for when it was on sale it was 50 at one point so I would take it

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It sells for $35 in China, I paid for it and played it briefly before refunding it. I want to wait for the Christmas sale to see if there is a discount. It is indeed a bit sad to buy it at the original price unless you are a Loyal Fans.

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I think I payed that much for when it was on sale it was 50 at one point so I would take it

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It\u2019s a shame how overpriced it is for the little they done to it.


But for 30 bucks it\u2019s a ton of content specially if you are considering the Undead Nightmare, I\u2019d say quite worth it, I seen other games from that era offer less content for the same price

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