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Damn that\u2019s clean

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Wowww\ud83d\udd25, where did you get all the clothes!!??

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Looks fire 10/10!

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It damn sure fits\ud83d\udc4d

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Sploosh \ud83d\udca6

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I'd personally complete this with a nice pair of Buck riding gloves.

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Wow!! I literally have the same exact outfit on my Arthur right now...ive had it like that for a while now!! Love it

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Me Gusta.

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How do you even get that jacket

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Ngl all the black clothes are on outfits for high honor

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NICE! It's awfully similar to the one I gave him! \ud83d\ude05

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man make a post about what clothes you used cause I want to make that one to

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Looks great

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Needs more black

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Yep looks pretty much the same as the other 75 I've seen this week


Really looking forward to this trend dying down

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I have the exact same outfit\ud83d\ude02

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Hey, man, that looks pretty good.

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Much appreciated!

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Definitely \ud83d\udcaf

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The coat, pants, and chaps come from the Nuevo Paraiso outfit, which comes with your wardrobe for ultimate/special edition. The shirt is the overshirt that every player automatically gets in their wardrobe regardless of your edition. The boots are Arthur\u2019s worn roper\u2019s as seen in his default outfit, along with spurs I got from the general store. I believe they\u2019re the kneller rider spurs. My hat is, of course, Arthur\u2019s hat.

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Right I'd like to know also the coat is fire!!!

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Hell yeah

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Damn, thank you!

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It\u2019s the black hunting jacket from the Nuevo Paraiso outfit, which comes with ultimate edition

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Great minds think alike!

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It comes with your wardrobe in ultimate edition

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That\u2019s a pretty good point lol

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Hell yeah! We have good style

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Hat: Arthur\u2019s hat\nShirt: overshirt that comes with your wardrobe automatically\nVest: black classic vest (found in general stores)\nPants: black work pants (the ones from the Nuevo Paraiso outfit)\nChaps: fringed shotgun chaps (from the Nuevo Paraiso outfit)\nJacket: black hunting jacket (also from the Nuevo Paraiso outfit)\nBoots: worn ropers (the default ones that Arthur wears in his gunslinger outfit)

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Damn, thank you!


You're welcome!

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We have good style


Damn straight! \ud83d\ude0e \ud83e\udd1c\ud83e\udd1b

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