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Would be TREMENDOUSLY appreciated ", "selftext_html": "

I picked it up after helping Sean with a homestead near Rhodes and for some reason it won\u2019t let me save it when I go into the wardrobe? Would be TREMENDOUSLY appreciated

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You can save only a couple of NPCs hats, and this one is not of them unfortunately.

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Estate Boss hats are the closest you can get.

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You can get an identical hat at the end of the game but it has a different band and has a feather on it. It's still a really iconic one though. Better than Arthur's hat too.

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I\u2019m sure there\u2019s a mod for it. Go on nexus and download Whyems DLC

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whyem dlc +eee+ gonpachiro fancy atelier https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/671 will get you most item possible in term of bonus customisation but this hat isn't part of it which is sad since it's the same as arthur original concept art : / to my knowledge there's no mod yet that add this hat as a saveable hat noor allow some hat to be kept

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B-but it\u2019s so badass\u2026.time to look for a mod that gives me all the hats. For a game that is so well thought out they really missed the mark on the whole not letting you save npc hats

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and look no where near as good.... plus for me half the allure of this hat is it's dusty / worn look.

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What's it called??

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Outfit trainer is probably your best bet

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Absolutely agreed.

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