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I found this hat on a dude washing his face near wapiti and I stole it but nothin comes up for it, anybody find this too or have any idea what that symbol means, looks Russian lol

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Is that hat permanent or strictly only found on NPC?

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I went back to Beechers hope with it but it\u2019s not saved in the wardrobe but Abigail asked me why I\u2019m dressing up as a lawmen now lol

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Yeah, definitely a police hat of some sort? But it isn't Chief Lambert (SD) because his is blue or Chief Dunbar (BW) as his is black. Don't know who the Tan one belongs to? Some rando near wapiti I guess. \ud83d\ude02

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He was washing his face along the river bank near the Indian reservation, he didn\u2019t have a horse or anything he started walking then I picked a fight with him cause I wanted his hat, he gladly wanted to fight too lol idk it was weird and was sure it was a rare hat, there\u2019s gotta be somebody who knows

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Oh, and you cannot store/keep either of the Chiefs hats unfortunately so I doubt you can store that one, as it looks specifically like a uniform police chief hat.

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