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The newest addition to my family\u2014Arthur, Artie for short, after one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite video game franchises.

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Looks like a good boy

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You\u2019re a good boy Arthur. A good boy.

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I insist you put a little gambler\u2019s hat on his head.

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What a good little boah.

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Barker Morgan?

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I\u2019d burn cities down for Baby Arthur \ud83e\udd79

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Aww! Just don't let him be around Micah... the fucker... it still makes me angry

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Good boah

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Awww he is a very cute little boah , may he live a long happy honorable life!

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That's a good boah.

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You\u2019re alright boahhhh

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I needed this smile today. Such a handsome boy.


Next time you see your dog, tell him I love him.

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Looks like a good boy.....

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DUTCH: Arth- what in the damn hell Arthur. You found another un.


ARTHUR: hides Lil' Arthur Uh, noo...

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Baby Arfur

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Awwww he is sooo cute \ud83d\ude0a

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Can he rob peoples ?

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You\u2019re a good dog Arthur Morgan

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Nice doggo

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Feed him mangoes and COUGH ON HIM

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Dude, looks nothing like him

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You spelt boah wrong

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\u201cYou\u2019re a good boah, Arthur Morgan.\u201d

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He\u2019s one of the best

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I will be getting him one soon!

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me too

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Very happy to hear, he also makes me smile every time I see him. Message has been passed on!

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Only their treats

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Its okay it was part of the plan

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You always got a plan Dutch

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