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It is the Backspace button.

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I play on PC too. It's definitely backspace.

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If you truly tried every key, try another keyboard or add the onscreen one, might just be an issue with button on ur keyboard

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Looks like an old school representation of either backspace or enter, as both have had that arrow on them in the past.

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I\u2019m not playing on a PC but I\u2019m guessing that\u2019s supposed to be the Return key, which is sometimes also Enter. Next best guess is the left arrow but I figure you probably tried that.

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The backspace is a really rare keybind TBF, Welcome to PC Gaming tho!

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Here is a helpful tip: the shape of the key shown usually matches the one on your keyboard. In this case the left arrow key would be shown smaller and square instead of rectangular like the backspace

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Enter key

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look at your enter key... now look slightly above it!

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I\u2019m dumb. I thought it was right arrow. And I really did try running my hand across the keyboard many times somehow I\u2019ve missed backspace

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or like the current day representation of backspace

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Thank you. I\u2019m new to pc so I don\u2019t know this stuff lol

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No enter key is differently shown

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Right arrow? Anon it's pointing left.

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I assume you're new to PC gaming?

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All my keyboards have the word and nothing else, lol

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Hm\u2026 in my copy it was either backspace or enter. The way they drew some of the keys into the game\nwas weird \u2014 you couldn\u2019t tell which was which

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I said I am dumb

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My first game lol

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Happens to the best of us.

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