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That ground texture is rough.", "body_html": "

People keep posting stuff like this, but all I see is a game that is very clearly 14 years old lol. That ground texture is rough.

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Pretty sure it got an upgrade. The original GFX were like 720p or maybe even 480p.

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Original game in the ps3 didn't look remotely as good as this

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It didn\u2019t look that good before the gfx update/remaster \ud83d\ude02

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Easy to tell when you look at the textures tho.


The game looks good but you can\u2019t ignore where it\u2019s dated. I even came into the PC port with rose tinted nostalgia glasses as it was one of my most played games on X360 when it came out but man has it aged poorly in some areas but also aged well in other areas.


I do think Take-Two could have invested a little bit more for upscaled textures.

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IMHO, this is the greatest game ever made.

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The character models are genuinely so impressive in terms of how expressive they were at the time

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RDR1 sky > RDR2 sky. The sunrises and sunsets are beautiful (and last longer than 20 seconds as time isn't screwed with) and it just generally looks better


It also has this really cool effect where the sun shines through the clouds and really feels like it's shining in your eyes (which is absent in RDR2) I wonder how they did that.

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If you think that's wild, Silent Hill 2 came out in 2001 and still looks excellent >w0


Anyway RDR is a graphical gem, especially coming off of GTA4, another graphical gem~

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Rockstar has always dropped games that look amazing for there time

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On PC? The increased LOD is great!

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I just thinking about Dead Space part 1 from 2008. (so 16.y old game). It was masterpiece back then (and for this standards now it's a classy) and even I love RDR games more then any other games, I think that DS 2008. is better then RDR part 1. Also Singularity, Fear part 1 etc, etc.


RDR graphics is closer to Wolfenstein part 1 (year 2008.) It's really beautiful game, but no offence... let's be real.


A true RDR fan loves all RDR games last because of the graphics, honestly. We all love these games because of the story, the plot, the characters, the whole environment...

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Shit looks better than Fortnite

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if u play rdr2 first then rdr, u can feel the different and make rdr graphic not feels good

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And the secrets it hides, an infinity that never ceases to amaze us.

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If only it was remastered.

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The reason I wait this shit on ps4 back in 2018

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100 fps versus 25 is the difference maker.

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This is ridiculous. Dude, it's just the light. And higher resolution.

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Looks like it\u2019s 14 years old

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The PS3 version was dogshit even the Switch beats it. It was a great game so nobody cared about the graphics

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It is a great game, but it\u2019s doesn\u2019t look good for 14 year old game, because it\u2019s not 14 year old graphics. They remastered the graphics and that\u2019s why it looks so good.

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Brother paid 50$ for a old game

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rdr on pc is just the same with upscaled textures

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Imagine how realistic this was to people 14 years ago though

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True, it very much looks its age, but I think it has aged well. Certainly a lot better than a majority of PS3/Xbox 360 era games.

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ya, its just the lighting. I'm glad they are happy but it is that old.

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The vastly improved render distance and resolution are really what make the game "pop" more on PC. It looks old, sure, but not we get to see it in all its full glory. No more sub hd 30fps console graphics

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Exactly lol. People see the bloom effect from the sunset and think the game automatically looks great. That technology is very old and very easy to implement in every game

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It feels like the world is its own thing and John is literally just a polygon from a different universe placed in it. It feels so off how sharp and contrasting the world is compared to John\u2019s softness. Like they use two different engines to render the graphics. It\u2019s just weird.

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Even the textures in RDR2 aren\u2019t that great, I only just noticed this playing it on PC for the first time at ultra settings.

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Sorry riding this comment, anyone knows how to get the Improved Campsite in RDR1? I can't find it in any general stores.

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I still play it on my 360 from time to time.


There was definitely some graphical overhaul in the port.

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What areas has it aged poorly in?

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I concur

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fps does absolutely nothing for texture or graphical quality...

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Can\u2019t blame him when it\u2019s a great game like RDR

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I don't have to, I was there. It blew my fucking mind lol.

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I had a really bad habit of going full tilt on my horse while being mesmerized by the landscape and horizon, the result was carelessly launching off a lot of cliffs

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That's what people said about GTA San Andreas

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Exept, your honor, it did NOT look like this. It was 720p at max. Different lighting engine too.

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I got it in Mexico after some missions , I think you unlock it after a certain honor , not sure though

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Animations, horses especially over not level terrain. Grass, and terrain textures are pretty poor.

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much obliged

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I remember hearing about, and then experiencing myself that "the characters hair moved with the wind." It truly was amazing when it came out

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Facts, I was like 10 when this game came out and I played it so much I could run the whole story mode in 8 hours or less, that\u2019s just the missions though

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Yea man in my mind at the time it had the best graphics I\u2019d ever seen. I didn\u2019t know how it could be topped hahaha

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Once I found out I could shoot my horse in the head at a full gallop, I spent more time than I\u2019d like to admit launching John off that cliff next to the dude with the flying machine.

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So what your saying is rockstar is just historically making amazing looking games

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Eh, it was average at most back in 2004. Look how great Half-Life 2 looked

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Thanks. But i'm still surprised that for a 14 yo game people seem to be oblivious about it, I asked it on different forums, no one knows for sure.

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Wow, how can I not think of that? /s


Your link just tells me it's in general stores, and I said I have looked in general stores.


You didn't even read it didn't you.

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It doesn\u2019t specify when it can be bought, which was their question

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What i'm saying is every game looks good if you set a period for it. Damn tetris looks good in 1945

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There's barely anything on the internet about RDR because most of its been obscured by RDR2, , I've been playing the ever living shit out of the game since its been out but unfortunately can't find much on the internet besides some old videos and some old discussions, hopefully more people pick this up

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Also I had checked your profile because I was just happy to see someone ask about RDR, were you able to sort the walking and camera issue ? You probably had southpaw turned on

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i got it from armadillo but after bunch of missions

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Lmao of course you\u2019re gunna argue with the only person who agreed with you and said \u201cyes and\u2026\u201d

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Yes! I turned off the south paw. I don't know what it means.


But I ended up using the keyboard and mouse anyway, I don't like the aim assist.

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I'll say that to anyone, and i don't intend to argue.

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South paw is an accessibility option for left handed gamers, I play with the controller too , just set your shooting to expert and I think you'll be good , good luck and have fun!

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Okay, always gotta argue though cause it\u2019s Reddit

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Thanks. I just captured Javier and on my way to blackwater.

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