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It's much harder with Flaco though as he jumps and has a 2nd gun.", "body_html": "

Yeah, it's possible to keep Emmet Granger & Flaco Hernandez alive by disarming them then throwing hands. It's much harder with Flaco though as he jumps and has a 2nd gun.

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I try to keep everyone alive bc i wanna see them swing

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I thought once you knocked someone out they were dead? I've never seen anyone get up again. Is that not the case?

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I never knew this. Does the game acknowledge that you kept them alive in any way, and can you see them again after the side missions? I've always just killed them.

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Because it's Rockstar, it's not 100% whether or not an NPC is dead when you throw hands. Surest way to find out is to aim a gun at their "corpse." red=not dead, oddly enough

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Depends tbh, I think sometimes it does kill but others it's only a KO, because earlier I knocked a guy out and like a minute later he got back up and stumbled towards me saying how he'd kill me, so I punched him one more time and he got KO'd again (or possibly died, idk I didn't check)

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when you're gathering debts around the heartlands near the beginning of the game and the big guy talking to the girl starts throwing hands with you and you punch his lights out, he eventually gets up and starts running away. i have no idea if he's special or not but now i'm tempted to test it.

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never seen anyone get up again


I have, he got up and jumped me when i wasn't looking

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I\u2019ve tried to keep all of them alive on my 3rd play though and the game doesn\u2019t acknowledge it at all.

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I need the answer!!

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