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Can someone explain to me what part of the world current or past has rabbits with antlers (taken on PS5 RDR)

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It's a Jackalope.

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That is the jackalope. It\u2019s in the game

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I just encountered a jackalope in game yesterday while sitting at a camp listening to stories. I managed to shoot it and it registered the kill as a jackalope.

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It's a Jackalope. A legendary animal you should hunt at least once as part of an outfit.

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That is what I call a \u201cwatchamacallit\u201d

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Rdr fans when they discover easter eggs

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I had to specifically look for one for a few hours to 100% undead nightmare a while back. \ud83d\ude02

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All I know is Pearson would make that nugget dry AF.

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Is this not a feature of Undead Nightmare? Or are they in the base story as well?

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I was today years old when I came to know this thing actually exists!

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Need to kill it for one of the special outfits.

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I think i accidentally ran one of these guys over and it registered the kill and i was like \u201caww damn i\u2019m sorry rab- jackalope????\u201d

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Oh that's normal don't worry about it

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Fun fact: if you're having trouble finding the Jackalope in your playthrough, it frequently spawns at Pleasance House, the place where John goes to acquire the deed for that water side quest. It can be seen running out of the cabin :)

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Huh haven\u2019t seen on of them since OG RDR1. Which I might be crazy but I\u2019m pretty sure the first animal I killed in 1 was a Jackalope because I killed a rabbit and had an antler and rabbit hide afterwards

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It's a legendary Animal, this specific one is a Jackalope. You can find more in certain areas around the map.

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Where did you find this

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For me it appeared right after talking to the Strange Man, I thought that was intentional, but I guess it can spawn anywhere.

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Was originally added as part of a dlc for the original version



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it\u2019s from a dlc outfit, think it\u2019s called savy outfit or something

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Woah cool I have never seen this

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I believe it\u2019s an achievement to hunt it on RDR

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I hope you killed it because jackalopes are a pain to find.

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It\u2019s a jackalope. It\u2019s a very mundane cryptid here in Texas, and I\u2019m sure in other places especially in the south. It\u2019s just a jackrabbit with antlers, nothing special lol

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I swear this game has sooooo much content that many players hadn't get everything from it, I have no idea that sh*t was in it \ud83d\ude05

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welcome to rdr1

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That is a real in game creature it is called the Jackalope

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Is \ud83c\udf4c

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No I actually killed one a few weeks ago

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i\u2019m so sorry, that was me. i think i had a few too many and i shouldn\u2019t have exposed myself like that. ugh, embarrassing

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They are all over in rdr

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Wait until you tap undead nightmare you get the 4 horses of the apocalypse death I believe has a fire trail

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lunchables ahh animal

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We have sharp antlers. We have long ears. When you see us, run in fear!

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Can you believe those are real too?

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Oh it's miike

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Fast as fast can be, can't catch me!

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It's the Lunchables rabbit!

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mythical creature

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Jackalope. As fast as fast can be you'll never catch me. Ayayayaya

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It\u2019s a jackalope , throughout my gameplay they started to spawn in game near chola springs after reading about them in the newspaper .

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Wasn't the jackalope added with the liars and cheats dlc pack? If I recall correctly

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You have found a new species. It should be named after you

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It\u2019s literally a challenge in the game, pay attention

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It happened to me too, I played rdr in ps4 and never noticed, but first hour in pc I saw it and alsl thought it was a bug or something xd

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jackalope, its a mythical creature in american folklore. killing it in-game counts toward unlocking an outfit and i think has a special achievement

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I saw one and shot it immediately. Accurate American of the 19th and 20th century upon seeing a new species

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Tfm when you\u2019ve been playing RDR2 for so long, you start noticing mutations in the animal world

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jackalope, its in undead nightmare to my knowledge, a made up creature

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Why don't you discover how to take a screenshot

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what the what

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You even have the right flair.

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I hope one day they add an assquatch

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Call up wendigoon

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When I shot it I only got bunny fur :(

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started playing rdr1 yesterday and a jack slope was the first animal i shot, didn't even realize it until i went to change outfits and one of the 'requirements' to unlock an outfit was checked off: hunt a legendary jackalope.

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EA Spors

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I would of killed it myself but it happened right in the middle of a cutscene where I was checking blood on the ground lol

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It's even required to get an outfit

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And do not forget the Snipe hunt! Classic legendary hunt.

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I believe it's scientific name is doodad whatsit

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I think it\u2019s called a Puma.

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Hardly even an Easter egg jackalopes are super common in the first game. Like 1 in 5 rabbits I saw was a jackalope.

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Rdr fans when they call mission objectives easter eggs

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they don't spawn during undead nightmare, maybe you're talking about the chupacabra?

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It's how they eat it in the navy

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Something about polish people saying kurwa when noticing an animal will never not be funny

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Yes, they're. I remember just shooting a random bunny and then receiving the notification that I just did something to progress in unlocking the hunter costume and it turned out that I just shot Jackalope...

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U havent seen it multiple times?

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Its easy to find just aroubd macfa whatever ranch i cant spell it i have found one everytime i have been at the area and just walked around

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No they aint i find one everytime i just walk around macfa whatever ranch

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Not a glitch, it\u2019s called a jackelope in RDR

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Was that show a spin off of America's Funniest Home Videos, or a blatant ripoff?

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Is that the step-sister of the Sasquatch?

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Wendigoon mentioned \ud83d\udde3\ufe0f\ud83d\udde3\ufe0f

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EA Sports


I think I\u2019m gaaay

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EA spores


Insignia gay

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EA Spore?

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would have -> would've

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Would have*. "Would of" does not exist in the English language.

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Yeah, plus the snipe hunt is the only time in the game it registers your voice without a mic. Make sure to loudly yell "Wollop woop" IRL to attract it in game

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The word you're looking for is "thingamajig"

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Like the Jackalope, that originates from the Wolpertinger, there are many descriptions befitting this species.


Some might call it a thingamabob.

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What in Sam Hill is a puma?

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A jackal! Jackal! It\u2019s a jackal! It looks like a jackal! Jackal? Jackal! It\u2019s a jackal! Jackal!

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They're not that common. In my current playthrough I've had 2.

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Oh yeah I 100%'d both back to back awhile ago. Seems like it should be in undead nightmare. \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude02

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Isn\u2019t in added from the Undead Nightmare dlc?

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If you're talking about the origin of the jackalope, it dates back to medieval times. More recently, all sorts of odd animals were reported as the west was settled. Fur bearing trout and jackalopes being among them.

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America's Funniest People was a spin-off of AFV, and the jackalope was a sketch bit within AFP.

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Thank you. That drives me nuts just like when people say or write "I could of". Sounds moronic.

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Funny thing about language is if something is used enough, it becomes a part\u2019ve it

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No it does, as in "wood of the pine" or "wood of the oak." " I built my desk with the wood of killed it myself..."

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Rizz has been added to dictionary, I think the english language can handle "would of" clearly you undersood what he meant well enough for conversion.

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Spirit of Wamatanie

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Or thingymafucker

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Like a big cat

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Tengo un gato en mis pantalones

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I seem to find them more often than rabbits in Hennigan's Stead

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In my replay over the summer, I only saw one haha

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the jackalope to me is way harder to kill than the chupacabras because there's no prompt or marker when it spawns, it's smaller and camouflages itself better in the desert landscape. the chupacabra only spawns when you're at undead hunter challenge 5 or something like that though, the jackalope can spawn anytime in new austin if you have the content

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originally it was added with a game of the year edition dlc on ps3, which added 3 new outfits and you had to kill the jackalope at least once to unlock one of them. it doesn't appear on undead nightmare

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The jakalope myth is a lot older than either show.

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TIL. Thank you Internet stranger, you have made my day!

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I thank you, will pass this along to the guys at the hunt camp.

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Ghostly Pearson gaming

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E. A. porn.


It's behind a paywall.

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Would, fam

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Wolf abs

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Or better then, people are writing phonetic irish now?

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Yeah they're really not as common as that guy says. He's just doing the usual blatant misinformation this sub enjoys so much.

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Huh, ok thanks. I assumed it was one of the mythical creatures UN added

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Yep, it's a cryptid, like Bigfoot or the chupacabra.

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One of the people I know writes in phonetic Scottish


It's chaotic

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They weren't even in the base game unless it was GOTY edition (which all of the ports have been); they were added later in an optional DLC.

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I\u2019m not \u201cdoing a misinformation\u201d idk if my game was bugged when I played like 5 months ago I was constantly seeing jackalopes.

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I mean, Undead Nightmare is full of mythical creatures, there's sasquatches, unicorns, chupacabras... but this one is part of the normal storyline

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I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called Bigfoot Chupacabwa...

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Oh yeah, i assume they were part of the dlc that added the hunter outfit right?

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Even the 4 horses of the apocalypse

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Hunter outfit and the savvy merchant I think. I almost always spotted one around Pleasance House, right after the first sheriff mission.

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