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I\u2019m on chapter 6 already I\u2019ve seen spoilers of what\u2019s to come and just want to be sure that my honor is high enough for Arthur.

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Better go on a greeting spree in Saint Denis partner

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Afaik, there\u2019s no \u201cneutral\u201d honor and it can be difficult to tell when it\u2019s in the gray. This looks to be low honor. I\u2019d recommend putting off advancing the story, go and raise your honor some more, and then come back if you want the high honor endings.

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No. Say hi to everyone in Saint Denis until that skull turns into Nick Cage. But I got a huuuge honor boost doing the Strauss mission and abolishping the debt and give them money.

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The icon indicates it's low honor. Sadly we ain't got a real "neutral" honor.

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Amazing game.

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Nope, you're gonna get shot or stabbed buddy.

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I\u2019ve been doing this for like half an hour and I get the notifs for my honor going up but the scale doesn\u2019t move

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I\u2019ve done all the missions that do that huge honor boost. I was doing the sharpshooter/ weapons challenges and it made my honor go way down\ud83d\ude2d

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Wdym by that \ud83d\ude22

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Fishing and throwing the fish back also give you honor and like walking your horse and doing stuff with him

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After 3 greetings it should go up once

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Half an hour is nothing! I go on hours to bump it two or three clicks!


\u201cWell, good luck to you\u201d \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udfa9

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You can do that after he dies just as Joh its the same

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Micah is not going to be nice if your honor is in the grey my dude...it has to be IN the white \ud83d\ude2d

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I\u2019ll give it a shot thanks !

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For what it is worth I think yours would just be enough to be the good one have fun and just experience it man enjoy it

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