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Without taa it looks way lower res than any other games without anti aliasing

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There is this \u201cfilter\u201d almost that softens detail.


There are mods that remove that which imo makes the game look worse. It\u2019s this soft quality that makes it have this painterly look.


Unless you are talking about a separate issue which could be the case. For example in some TV/consoles the HDR mode makes the game look REALLY grey and dark. So I recommend having that off

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RDR2 has one of the most egregiously bad uses of TAA. Basically the poster child of r/fucktaa.

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I mean on pc if you play without anti aliasing it looks far far more low res than other games without anti aliasing, In comparison to sekiro for example, that game looks really sharp and detailed without the aa active

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I don't know why part of this is in uni-code.

 Unlike Sekiro though, RDR2 heavily relies on TAA to mask some of it's rendering hacks, the biggest being that most, if not all transparent objects (grass, tree branches and leaves, and hair, usually taking up a major portion of the screen) are internally rendered every other pixel, with the missing one filled in by the nearest opaque object to save on resources, due to most render engines, like the one used in RAGE, being poorly suited for handling transparent objects.\n   Since RDR2 doesn't have any method to blend those transparent pixels with the opaque ones to make it still look good, it instead relies on TAA/DLSS to smear those pixels together, making it look connected, if blurry.\n If you turn off TAA/DLSS, there is no filter to hide the missing transparent pixels giving every transparent\n

object a dithered, porey look to them. Even with MSAA on, that method can only filter opaque pixels, meaning anything transparent goes completely unfiltered.\n In other words, RDR2's transparent objects were built in a way that forces you into using TAA.

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I think it's the Gaussian blur. Basically an artistic choice and most love it. If it's not up to your taste you could always use something like reshade.

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Thanks, this is really insightful

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