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Is this normal? Very high average fps while playing on ultra @1080p but keep getting those annoying fps drops in crowded areas, especially saint Denis


Specs: 4070 super, Ryzen 5 7600, 16gb ram @5600mhz

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Try using DLSS maybe?

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Do not use dx12,use vulkan

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Your FPS is too high, Rockstar's engine breaks above a certain FPS and starts stuttering bad, it happened with GTA V and now in RDR2.


either cap it to below 100FPS or use the extra horse power to render the game at a higher resolution which will result in significantly better visuals, 4070 super for 1080p is just way too conservative, you can run it easily at 1440p ultra and then you don't have to worry about your FPS being too high (still you should cap it anyway to be safe). Use resolution scale option and set it to 1.5x, it looks so much better to my eyes.


If that doesn't solve it, try switching to DX12.


edit: also, ignore the "Minimum FPS" value, it just picks the absolute lowest framerate you ever got in the benchmark, it's useless, i had 12 minimum FPS one time but the actual game was very smooth.

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I am on vulkan

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