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My aunt wrote a book about the o Driscoll clan, she knows a lot about them.


I told her about it, she had never even heard of red dead redemption and thought it was strange that everyone kept mentioning the o Driscolls.


They were pirates and smugglers in west cork.

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I also have this thought every time I pass those strawberries in the grocery store lol

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Ok but on a real note: those strawberries are SO FUCKING GOOD.

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"They must smell like horseshit"

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Ha I see what you did there

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I mean, what are pirates but a gang of sea outlaws

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Hi! It looks like you did not use the spoiler syntax correctly. It looks like this: >!spoiler text!<. There are no spaces between the exclamation marks and the spoiler text.


Unfortunately, some Reddit app developers design their apps to behave slightly differently than the desktop site. If your comment has the spoiler text hidden on your end but you still received this response, your app is likely one such example.


Please correct your comment so that it conforms to Reddit's standards for the desktop site and reply again. Thank you!


I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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