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I can't pause the game or anything. I'm unable to get past this mission but I can't complete the game without it. Is there any way to skip it?", "selftext_html": "

I've been playing RDR1on PS3 but I'm stuck on the mission "Mexican Ceasar" due to this glitch where the audio cuts out then the train drives off into long lost game files and bugs out. I can't pause the game or anything. I'm unable to get past this mission but I can't complete the game without it. Is there any way to skip it?

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I haven\u2019t played RDR so can\u2019t confirm if this works, but in RDR2 and GTA if you die a number of times in a row the game gives you an option to skip to the next checkpoint.

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Just reload another save file

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Is your disc scratched? I had the same issue with my PS3 copy. I couldn't even finish the first mission because after I meet the guy in the saloon and ride off with him, the game stops loading the LOD after leaving Armadillo.

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LOD = 0

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What the f are those graphics ??

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It has been resolved, just had to keep dying in order to skip, but for anyone confused on the graphics, 1: this was a picture taken of the game on my TV from my phone, and 2: that's how cooked the game was from the glitch/crash

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Uncle give lumbago to the game

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If you die or fail I think 3 times you get the option to either keep trying, skip to the next checkpoint or skip the entire mission. Sorry if I am wrong I haven\u2019t played in like 5 years \ud83d\ude05

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That happened to me in undead nightmare and then my ps3 stopped playing ps3 games and it was only backwards compatible

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this does not even look like rdr1

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Bro the first picture looks like borderlands

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You have to die repeatedly until you get the option to in the death screen

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Fuck are the graphics ?

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I thought you put a whole other game in here \ud83d\ude36

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Oh, is this that 2004 game Red Dead Revolver I keep reading about?

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If RDR was made in the 90's for the N64

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Fail over and over again, you'll see an option to skip a section of the mission, do that until the missions over

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Fuck, I thought it was a Borderlands screenshot, took me some time to realize it wasn't

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I didn't know they had released a microwave port.

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This is correct. I think it\u2019s about 3 times it\u2019ll give you the option to skip checkpoint

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Works in every R* game except for older GTAs

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It could that because years ago when I have this game on PS3 I have the same issue and I realize the game was actually scratch

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My 360 did something similar, but while riding a horse it would glitch me underground into a blank space with no textures.

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Microwave Port

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I think it\u2019s your disk or your system that cannot run the game properly

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I didn't see sub reddit name and thought it was border lands at first \ud83e\udd23

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nah, it does. go back and play it on the original hardware. you'll be surprised how old it looks

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Looks like a mobile game trying to be RDR

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Nice lack of brake pad. What are you sharing that for

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It looks exactly like the new pc version for me lmao just with a lower frame rate

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