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I've had the game since 2020, didn't play for like a year

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Since launch on PC. I typically do one full 100% playthrough a year. No RDO.

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About 1250, started in March 2019

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Had it since launch, im finally making an actual attempt at 100% completion. Im at 45% completion in the end of chapter 2 with all missions done except for micah being in jail. Gonna leave him there until i have nothing else to do lol.

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900+ since march.


\u201cAlright, well, don\u2019t let me keep ya\u201c \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udfa9

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Like 885 i think

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Maybe around 800, still broke

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516 on console 200+ on pc. I tried rdo pc but it was full of hackers so I'm back on console.

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48 days and 20 hours

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Got about 500 hours. Haven\u2019t completed a single mission.

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I think around 1200 hours on steam with all achievements.

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I have 700h and just started 3 days ago

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16152 hours, about 700 days or something like that

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If you add together console and pc its well over 3,000 hours.

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500,000 hours

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I originally had it on PS4 on disc but then my disc got damaged so I had to get it digital (it was on sale at the time) so when I got a PS5 at the beginning of this year I got to play it again (I had a Xbox series s for like a year)

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Bro go outside

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The platinum or the 100%

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This is like my 3rd or 4th playthrough rn I'm in chapter 6, but when im done with the story i wanna do the rest of the challenges and stranger missions, I'll probably do a 100% playthrough next

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Jesus fucking christ- how do you have the time?

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That's not even impressive it's just sad.

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I do brother. I mountain bike most everyday, volunteer at my local food pantry, get together with friends for wine tasting. My wife and I just got back from 2 weeks in Italy...


When you're retired, you have a lot more free time.


But thanks for thinking about my health and well being.

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I think you made all of that up, which is weird. Internet clout for what?

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A 12-day old account talking shit. How original.


Get a job.

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I didn't friend. But there's nothing I can do to convince you of that so if thinking I lied makes you feel better, more power to ya.


Peace to you.

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You're living the life

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We're sure tryin' friend. Probably retired a little earlier than I should have, but it's harder to do these things the older you get so we're rolling the dice. I might be signing a different tune in 10-15 years if and when my retirement runs out though \ud83e\udd23

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Well I wish you luck I'm just getting started with my life

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Thank you and I wish you luck in yours. Start planning that retirement now. The time will come so much faster than you think.

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