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Second time playing, this time I'll finish with high honor. This never happened my first time playing. Why did John punch me? I don't think I did anything.

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you got bronze on the mission obviously

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He's jealous that Dutch and Hosea wanted to go fishing with Arthur instead.

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You passed him by without saying hello. Pretty justified tbh.

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Talk shit get hit.

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I\u2019ve gotten punched out by John one time. I was getting hammered in camp and harassing Abigail and Jack.

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Damn uncle just wanted to ask how you been

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If you antagonize too much in camp (not just at Jack but practically anyone), you will get knocked out and left outside of camp. If you do it over and over again, the distance gets further and further away.

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He didn\u2019t like your vibe

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He heard you talk smack about his brother Jim Milton

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I like how Uncle asks you how you been as you're falling to the ground I feel like Arthur should have said I've been better

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Went on a family fishing trip without him. The og gang was Grimshaw Hosea Dutch Arthur and John. I\u2019d feel left out too if i wasn\u2019t included in the boys trip

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He was pissed that you got bronze on that mission

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Brasil mencionado

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I got knocked out by charles because i got to silly and kept antagonising people in the camp, did mayhaps do somthing similar?

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amigo do Brasil???

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Uncle: Arthur, Arthur! How've you been?\nArthur: knocked out

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Instead of you staying and doing any work at the camp, you went fishing. Your actions has consequences

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He prepaid for the shit talk.

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Seguramente llevabas mucho tiempo sin visitar el campamento o sin verte con John

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Fists are John's love language.

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That was definitely a bug issue or something. For someone. In camp to do that you have to be actively harassing the woman or Jack and one of the guys with punch you like that. But it takes more than just a couple insults.

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Snitches get stitches

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I love this camp site \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udfa9

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That's usually from recent antagonizing of the pilgrims

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John punches you if you antagonize gang members a lot. (It doesn't count if you antagonize Micah though)

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He got tired of Arthur being the main character, he wants his role back.

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The red shirt made him angry

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You failed the vibe check

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He's jealous your getting to fish with daddy and daddy instead of him.

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It was an accident, he was trying to mount his horse.

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Must be because you speak Spanish

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Just brother things

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He's just hating on you since you can be near water and he can't

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Folk in town get a bullet for less.

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I did not said a word to him \ud83d\ude2d

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I did not harrassed them \ud83d\ude2d

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I did not do that \ud83d\ude2d my honor was almost on max, I even did all the daily activities every day and said good morning \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d

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Lmaooo \ud83e\udd23

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I did not antogonized anyone recently and my honor is high \ud83d\ude2d

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Opa? Tranquilo? Kkkk

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I don't speak spanish, only english and portuguese\nSorry amigo

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But i did not \ud83d\ude2d

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Iirc he only punches if you antagonize Jack

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Iirc he only punches if you antagonize Jack

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Sure you didn't do something a while ago and forgot about it?

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You must have been making him look bad by doing so many chores and being so helpful, making John look like a lazy bum.


He hates that.

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Maybe it was a bug or something

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Wow lol ok then IDK why he did it, maybe John is just an asshole lol

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I dunno then, maybe the wolf didn't actually make him smarter after all

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(according to Google Translate-- this may be incorrect as I too do not speak Spanish.)


he said:

Surely it had been a long time since you visited the camp or saw John.\n
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I did not said anything to Jack \ud83d\ude2d

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I never got punched and I followed Jack around antagonising him till I couldn't talk to him anymore

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Makes sense lmaooo

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Bro lmaoo \ud83d\udc80

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I guess he just doesn't like Arthur's face.

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Sometimes it's what you don't say that says everything.

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