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I just saw that on Facebook, is this real ?\nBecause I have always a female hehe \ud83e\udd78

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Rockstar puts more effort into the horse balls than the online mode

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And they\u2019re constantly shitting too

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Real", "body_html": "

Tight to the body in snow, hangin loose in the warmth. Real

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I remember this being one of the first mechanics that got leaked before the games rollout \ud83d\ude02 such a touch only Rockstar thinks of

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Do the massive balls slow it down?

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this was peak 2018

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This is the only reason why I play this game

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Whatever intern had to code horse balls for weeks, I salute you. \ud83e\udee1

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All my horses are females.

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Disclaimer* he\u2019s not always bald. Has a stress related condition and randomly looses hair \ud83d\ude44

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Give him 1000 upvotes NOW!

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Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like \u201cwhat the fuck\u201d and \u201ccall the police\u201d. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

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People were hired to do this. Not just realistically model horse balls but also to program when they should tighten up and when they should dangle. I'm not sure if I'd be proud to have that on my resume for doing such a great job or ashamed to have it on my resume for doing such a great job.

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Truly one of gaming's greatest innovations

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I never notice it until someone mentions it then I can\u2019t unsee for several playthroughs XD

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dont shoot them.. its not cool

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R* loves balls

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hes just like me fr

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So cockstar likes horse balls? Who knew..

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That's cause it is

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They are like us \ud83d\ude05 \nTurtle neck \ud83d\ude02

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People were making articles about it


Same thing about cyberpunk 2077 when they said you could customize your character's genitals


And while its not like over the top customization you can indeed customize the genitalia if you so choose.

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Doesnt slow me down

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What are you doing with your horses \ud83e\udd28

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Mine too. Can't stand the visuals while galloping around

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I think there are still things that we need to discover \ud83d\ude05

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It\u2019s true! 3 sizes of schlong cut and uncut, and one generic cookie cutter vulva \ud83e\udd23

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I see what you did there \ud83d\udc40

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Maybe its just me but it seems like the female horses are less skiddish than the males. Not as whiney or I just find buck 'n' whine male horses all the time.

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