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Checking OPs post history, dude is going through something.

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Mary-Beth is a clump of virtual pixels dude

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What a weirdo

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S- s- simp?

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Y\u2019all need help.

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I never needed to know that

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There\u2019s a sub for this and it ain\u2019t here

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Ok ok ya i get it you're horny, but forreal tho are there mods where you can play as side characters?

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Stick to DOA Beach Volleyball, man.

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Are you 12?


What a loser

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I'm just gonna dust off this classic as a response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2YdWb_5Ado

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May Allah guide you, brother \ud83e\udd32

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get off the game you need to take a shower

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Wow\u2026that\u2019s The Legendary Butt right there!

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Why is she sooo bad \ud83d\ude29

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Beef me lending klap, papa

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Arthur...what a dum man was... she was there all the time.. LOL she has a complete BAKERY there, I just do my 2nd run on the game - and when the OTHER MARY was calling for help, i went to her home, talk a lot.. and at the moment the game gimme the option to chose ...I furiously and quickly chose "HELL NO" to refuse to help this hoe! Self respect Arthur!!!


I never felt so happy playing the game before!

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So is Arthur? What's your point?

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Yeah? And she's also hot?

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Go to horny jail

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Insha'Allah he will refrain from such desires.

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