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they are NEVER gonna patch rdr1

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Me: Looks at my dog


My dog: Don\u2019t even think about it, motherfucker!

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I\u2019m gonna need someone to walk me through how to do this RIGHT NOW! (I also could google it, but seems more fun to learn from the source)

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jack :rufus ! rufus where are you boy ?


john at the other side of the ranch riding that dog : YEHAW MOTHERFUCKER !!!!


arthur : can't believe i died for this goddamnit marston !

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It's not a bug it's a feature. Something like this better not be removed

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That's hilarious

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I love my horsey and my horsey love me

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Gringo rides perro

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I wonder if they fixed the glitched out animals from the OG. Never got attacked by a dude that acted like a cougar on my newer switch version.

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Lol what is this

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Looks like John bout to fucking fly off

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Goddam I wish you could play as a little cowboy monkey. Collecting and riding different dog breeds the same way Arthur does with horses.

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Rockstar will never fix anything unless it effects their pocket. Theyve proven that time and time again
\nhowever this dont need a fixin, it may be intentionally left as a fun glitch


Took them 10 years to add an anti cheat and only did it because they were losing revenue on gta online

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\ud83e\udd23 \ud83e\udd23 \ud83e\udd23

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How does one achieve this power?

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Nice horse man arf arf

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Yeah because there gonna update rdr1 \ud83d\ude02

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Where do you find this dog?

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i remember when i was little i used to pretend to ride on the dogs (no damage was done)

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Look at my horse. My horse is amazing!

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It's a feature

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And I thought mule races were the pinnacle of fun!

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This is probably just the ride animals mod and some loser farming karma pretending it's a 'glitch'

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Thank God

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i wonder what the swingset glitch of RDR1 is

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When you do night watch at any town (on pc at least) it gives you the option to press y when you\u2019re near the guard dog

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I have been playing this game since launch. I remember waiting in line at GameStop to buy this and even have a pack of red dead cards from the launch event. this is literally the first time I\u2019ve ever seen this. I don\u2019t even remember dogs being in red dead 1

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It's a mod.

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"its not a feature its an experience"

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Shoot a guy in the eye dutch style

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really? is it controller only cuz u said y which isnt the key to ride on keyboard?

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Really? Dogs are in almost every town and every nightwatch activity you follow a dog.


This post is a mod though AFAIK there is no bug to ride a dog like that, only mods.


Fun fact though some dogs in towns you can greet and John will just greet them like a normal NPC, it's pretty funny him saying howdy to a dog lmao

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