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Excellent music choice, really sets the tone and pace. \ud83d\udc4d", "body_html": "

Very well done. Excellent music choice, really sets the tone and pace. \ud83d\udc4d

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Posting here as description doesn't show: I am absolutely in LOVE with Saint Denis and all the NPC's, and it really feels like they all are living their little lives... so I wanted to capture them! I hope you like it :)

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The video is so cool!


But hell how I hate saint denis!!! My first time entering saint denis was by accident, then I accidentally (for real) robbed a man, got 1 dollar. Tried to run but suddenly my horse was gone and I had a new horse that kicked me off. So i had to fight. But I had the game new so I were lost. I killed 10+ people then got killed... lost 50 dollar or so... and had 500 dollar on my head everywhere. No. I hate. Saint. Denis!


...I FORGOT TO MENTION! After I died I obviously just wanted out of there so got on that new horse that just gad spawned and rode away. And in the night, in a creepy ass forest with crocodiles and a dead body hanging from a tree the horse died. I had to carry the saddle and walk for way too long!! I HATE SAINT DENIS (and my bad gaming)

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Thank you so much! :)

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