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Where u get that mug

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Yall are lucky we never get snow in California. I definitely would've been playing some Red Dead rn \ud83d\ude11

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Snow looks nice outside though it makes the weather cold which is the only downside honestly

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What are you drinking? Milk Tea or Latte?

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I got a day off too! (I lost 4 teeth at once)

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It was wet and humid all day in Houston, but I spent my day doing the same thing as you

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Oh yeah, sounds like a cozy time! :)

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a have a mug from the game too!

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You can get this from this site

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Birthday gift

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First snow of the year here. At least in my part of Montana. Had a flurry on election night, but this is a good proper snow.

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I lived in Texas and it snowed every year. I moved to California and now it\u2019s just gray and hot

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I\u2019d rather have the moisture to be honest. We are behind for the year. Though hopefully not as many bitter cold days. Last year we had a two week streak of -20\u00b0F weather. I\u2019d rather have piles of snow and 10\u00b0-20\u00b0 weather than less snow and subzero temperatures

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Coffee with cream

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Ah. Tell them to send me a bday gift

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Nice! Tbh wouldn\u2019t expect to be milk tea from an American lol

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I think I threw up a little in my mouth. MILK TEA???

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