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This... this is art... You wouldn't understand...

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Abigail has a real distaste for this little guy

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I enjoy this quest haha

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I'm so close to getting the trophy! Just have to put the squirrel back on the mantle 2 more times

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How do I get it?

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I could've learned Spanish, joined the cartel, rise the ranks and become the kingpin in the time it took me to finish that mission

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"oh, that's what they call it"

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crazy that Abigail climbed this mountain to get rid of the squirrel :D something this crazy can only be done by Rockstar, considering that the vast majority of players will miss it, it's even more amazing.

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Finish the Hunting Requests side mission, meet the taxidermist at her house, get the squirrel and take it home and set it on the mantle. Eventually it'll disappear, you have to find it and put it back. Five times.

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Proceeds to throw it in the nearest pile of cowshit as soon as John looks away

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I dreaded this side quest at first but ended up liking it afterwards, knowing most players won\u2019t bother with the quest makes it more enjoyable since it\u2019s pretty tedious

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