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Now go to Ireland and kill some people for accuracy(not Sean tho,he\u2019s my boah)

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Spot on!!

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Sadie Adler after she takes the substance

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That\u2019s pretty cool




(It\u2019s not an insult it\u2019s just the only rdr image I have)

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It's great, but the lack of O'Driscoll blood is a bit of a point ofd

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looks AI tbh

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sees cool cosplay>clicks on OP profile>porn>disappointed>leaves

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DO NOT open OP's profile in public, I got kind of jump scared there

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I\u2019m on mobile and honest to god thought this was a thumbnail for those first person zombie game ads where the giants knock down your defense walls

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Very well done

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I thought it was a 3d model for a sec \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb

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One boat ticket to Tahiti pls \u261d\ud83c\udffb

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Aye, those are my people, step off. Unless they\u2019ve got the last name O\u2019Driscoll, the lads are off limits

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Thank you!!!

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I should of chained smoked 20 packs before taking these for the full effect \ud83d\ude02

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Haha thanks Mr

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I\u2019ll bring it next time \ud83d\udd2b\ud83d\udd2b

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Wow thanks!

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